Piggy runs whenever touched

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Apr 25, 2011
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My girl piggy, JenJen always runs whenever i tries to touch her, and if i touch her when she is eating, she will run away and rather not eat :(

But whenever i carry her out, she sits still and seems to like being handled,

Not sure what is the problem cos my male piggy love it when i touch him as he is eating...

She is brought in last sunday
I've got five piggies at the moment, one boar and 4 sows (2 of which are babies). Only the boar likes being touched when he's eating. One of the other sows will tolerate it (which she's only let me do since having babies strangely!). The others all run off! All 4 sows are quite difficult to pick up but apart from one are fine once you've got them (one of them just doesn't really like cuddles at all!). The two babies have been handled since day 1 but still aren't fond of being picked up! I guess every piggy is different x
I've got five piggies at the moment, one boar and 4 sows (2 of which are babies). Only the boar likes being touched when he's eating. One of the other sows will tolerate it (which she's only let me do since having babies strangely!). The others all run off! All 4 sows are quite difficult to pick up but apart from one are fine once you've got them (one of them just doesn't really like cuddles at all!). The two babies have been handled since day 1 but still aren't fond of being picked up! I guess every piggy is different x

So did you still try touch them when the girls are eating?
Not sure if i could let her "get used" to being touched in the cage instead of running and hiding
A lot of pigs don't like the feeling of being 'caught' by a big hand, even if they enjoy being patted. They are prey animals and are conditioned to run from something bearing down on them- it's instinct. I know some people will instead coax their pigs to come to a box or a blanket to be picked up. I just scoop them up and now that they are used to me my two pigs are pretty tolerant of that. I know that out of the three pigs I've owned, only one of them is comfortable with my sticking my hand into the cage and patting her without picking her up first (and only then if it's on her nose- she loves getting her nose rubbed.) My other two pigs enjoyed a nice pat if I was holding them at the time, but would always run away from the hand trying to pat them while they were in the cage or roaming around the floor.
Will JenJen eat when she's on your lap? If she will then she's feeling ok once on your lap but is frightened of being picked up. None of myGPigs like being picked up (although some tolerate it better than others) but the ones that like being stroked (this is all the pigs that aren't frightened of me) like being stroked both in and out of the cage, they like being stroked even if they're eating, which TBH is most of the time lol:))
I have a really anti-social pig, she tolerates my parents petting her but wont come near me ( I do all the nasty things like clipping feet/bathing/vets/checking teeth etc..).
But shes really motivated by corn of the cob, so I've been sitting on the floor while shes out and just giving her bits of corn when she comes up to me, and when shes busy chewing away I pet her head and tickle under her chin. After a few weeks, shes now jumping onto my lap to get the sweetcorn.

Have ago at bribing her with foods that she can't resist. It really works - they have no principles! lol
^^ Hehehe, as said here, bribe your piggies with food!
They're very greedy little creatures, so if you distract them with something delicious and stroke them whilst they're munching, they'll get used to it pretty fast!

I had a piggie who used to hate being stroked whilst he was in his cage. Then I found out his love of peeled grapes. Now, I just pour some of them into his cage and pat him whilst he's stuffing his face, usually he's just like "nom nom nom om nom purrgh" and doesent mind the stroking!
I have a really anti-social pig, she tolerates my parents petting her but wont come near me ( I do all the nasty things like clipping feet/bathing/vets/checking teeth etc..).
But shes really motivated by corn of the cob, so I've been sitting on the floor while shes out and just giving her bits of corn when she comes up to me, and when shes busy chewing away I pet her head and tickle under her chin. After a few weeks, shes now jumping onto my lap to get the sweetcorn.

Have ago at bribing her with foods that she can't resist. It really works - they have no principles! lol

haha.. thats cute. she is getting less afraid of me now, i try not to touch it (in cage) for the time being
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