What rescues look out for:
- the guinea pig area must comply with minimal space recommendations for the number of guinea pigs you keep together. Our forum recommendations on housing and vare comply with and often surpass welfare recommendations.
Cage Size Guide
- it must be safe from other pets (cats, dogs, ferrets, rats) and outdoors predators. Outdoors guinea pigs must either have an insulated, heatable shed with daylight or alternative accommodation where they are out of weather and frost during the winter months.
- your guinea pigs should be safe from any toddlers and small kids and any interaction should only be supervised.
- your house should not be the kind of dump pets are usually seized from, but it doesn't have to look like it could feature in a magazine. What rescues are looking for is a normal home with normal, caring people.
- the visit is usually in the form of a chat. if you already have got pets, they want to see how you and the pet interact to get a feel of you as a pet owner and if you have kids, of how responsible a parent you are re. care of your guinea pigs and supervision.
- if rescues ask for changes or improvements to any plans or existing layouts/locations, please take these on board. There is usually a very good reason for them even if it may not obvious to you. Cooperation is generally the way forward. Not all rescues have the same requirements. Any more unusual ones are usually the result of a tragedy or a very bad experience.
- just be your normal self as much as possible. Do not pretend what you aren't and do not apologise for every fleck of dust. Ask any questions you have.
PS: you are hopefully aware that a single boar can live without problems next to sows and another boar, provided you make sure that he cannot get through the grids and at any sows. I would recommend to cable tie all grids in addition to the connectors if one of the boars is not neutered. But it would provide your old boy with plenty of stimulation and interaction to not suffer depression in the wake of his loss.
PS2: The Potteries have got a bonded neutered boar/sow trio coming into their rescue this week - perhaps a good start for you for a group? You could always add a pair of bonded younger sows at a later date; that will not upset the hierarchy and the two younger sows have each other for friends so you neatly avoid outsider problems. From 4-5 piggies you get group dynamics.