Piggy ramps

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
Me and my dad are going to build a sort of wendy house for piggies next year with an added level on with vet bed upstairs. Just thinking how high is to high for ramps so they can climb, we used these log rolls from mrrisonswith railings on that thye easily climb up. I just need help, lol on thinking how high up th second bedroom part should be :P
It would be hard for them if you make it more than a foot off the floor, so you could try having stops like this (cross section):
\ Etc.
I don't think it can be too tall aslong as they can't jump off..Rachel's idea is good too ;) like if you were looking at the ramp from above it would be an L shape?
Thanks rachel thats a goo idea :) I was looking at my rabbits ramp, there hutch is 4ft tall and the ramps about 3ft abit shorter but it's not to steep that they look like they can climb it, there ramp would ned modifications to help the climb like carpet on, the buns just jump up so it's easy for them. It would have sides on aswell so they don't go jumping of the side :P
Something like this perhaps? Just a quick 3ds max model... ;)

Thanks for that, looks great. I'm sure my dad can make it for me, me i'm not so smart ;D
Yeah that ones looks good but I think maybe another platform or to wouldnt godown too badly......
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