Piggy Not Taking To Bathing

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Wheelwright, Kentucky UNITED STATES
Last night I was cleaning my two girls' cage, and noticed they were stinking a little more than usual. So, I thought it would be a decent night for a bath. (The weather outside was rather decent, and the house was more than warm.) I couldn't do a buddy bath, because the smaller of the two, Nymph, is just too wily and rambunctious to bathe both at the same time.

Ikaros absolutely hated it. (I am unable to bathe them in the actual tub, due to my daughter having to bathe there as well, and my mother-in-law is a clean freak. So, I gave her a little tub that the hospital would normally give you to soak your feet in.) I made sure the water was a decent warm temperature nothing too hot, but Ikaros would not have it, so as not to stress her out, I took her out of the water and hand dried her. And placed her back in her toasty clean home.

How do you bathe your little pig(s)? Do they take to it, or do you have as much trouble as I do with them? Any help of course is appreciated, and I would love some input so I don't stress my poor little things out.
I've bathed many a piggie and any that I notice are freaking out I lower my palm down and let them place their front feet on it and lift it slightly upwards. This way they are elevated somewhat out of the water and they feel safe and calm that they will not drown in the water. Usually they then let me do the rest of the bathing with no problem. Hope this helps.
Bathed all five of mine the other days, in the bath tub they went. There was protest and splashing but in the past I use to put them in the sink and Maple escaped several times and other forum users use the bath with towels in it.

Like above as well - Maple and Pecan use my hand as a safety point but the other three weren't having it. Tried but they just wriggled!
I think it is less stressful to put them into the bath and pour water gently on to them. Being emerged in water seems to scare them. With being in the bath they can still move about freely so they feel calmer. You can just clean the bath afterwards so your daughter can use it. I just have the one bath and use it. It is safe and no germs are spread.
I put mine in the bath with a towel for them to stand on.Have water just covering their feet and they seem to do okay, not major keen but we manage
I tend to use just a plastic storage box with a small amount of water in the bottom and a flannel on the base so they don’t slip, and just hold them, they won’t sit on all fours but they’ll keep their bag legs in and rest their body on my hand and arm, they hate it, but sometimes you just have to keep going my boars can be very stinky sometimes especially as they like to spread love juice on each other.
I don’t think my piggies will ever enjoy it or get used to it, but it’s got to be done to stinky bums!
Love juice that's a new term :P. Is it true that sows tend to spray their pee on each other?
Because if it is - might explain why my girls tend to smell a lot.
Most piggies tend to hate it in my experience. We try not to bath too often unless it's desperately needed, maybe twice in the year...

I have one who loves it and he even used to swim as tiny pig. (I wouldn't recommend putting pigs in water they can't touch the bottom of as it's not safe and most will panic, Suilven is just mad and loves baths and water), one who tolerates it and two who scream like I am killing them! The two screamers get washed as quickly as possible, mainly standing on the draining board while we pour water on them with a rinse under the tap or the shower as the have very thick hair and it's a nightmare getting the soap out... The love being bundled up in towels and then dried with the hair drier though.... Hamish lies out flat like a pampered diva!

definitely a two person job though. It's a real struggle to do it on your own with squiggly ones!
I did 3 of mine last night and will be doing the other 3 tonight. I only washed them last week but they are having lice treatment so need baths. My poor boy Rupert is very greesy already after only a week so he may have to have baths more often maybe I will just do this bum inbetween full baths, wish me luck!
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