Piggy noises - what does vibrating mean?

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Sep 26, 2011
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I just managed to have a quick little cuddle with Floyd, I held him under my chin and had a little chin cuddle with him. He was vibrating making occassional tiny squeeky noises. He makes the same noises in his home with Manny.

I put him on my lap and had a little fruity biscuit treat, he didn't eat it, but he did pick it up and held it in his mouth for a couple of seconds.

With the vibrating - did that mean he was unhappy or happy?

I'm not pushing the holding I'm more working on getting them to eat from my hand - which they will now as long as I stay absolutely still! But I couldn't resist tonight as he was in his little igloo home and it was really easy for me to get him out without playing run and chase! :))
If you are worried that he is frightened, then why not cuddle him under a towel or fleece where he feels safe and can relax?
If you are worried that he is frightened, then why not cuddle him under a towel or fleece where he feels safe and can relax?

I had my fleecy blanket out. I'm just trying to work out what all the noises mean. I hope he was vibrating rather than shaking, but it's hard to tell mallethead
Both my girls do it when being cuddled..usuually have a chicken leg out..its happy :)
Hey, i don't know if you have an iPhone, or I'm not sure if the app is available on any other android, but i downloaded an app called, "GuineaPedia" And basically, it has alot of helpfull info but it also has all the sounds they make listed with little clips of how it should sound, it's how i learnt to know what my guinea pig is saying it's really helpfull :)
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