Piggy No Longer Will Let Us Pick Her Up

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Matt McCherry

Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 29, 2016
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Finding it really difficult to pick Donut up now, first few weeks she froze and we were able to pick her up but now she runs around the cage dodging us. We've tried the tube technique but she battles her way out. As soon as we try to go near her house when she's in it she jumps out and starts a chase again around the cage. Particularly difficult given the fact we've got 2 more vets visits this week!

As well, when we do manage to get her she kicks and squeaks scratching our hands to pieces! :|
i have 8...and 5 of them will do the same except once i have them they're fine. Rosie, betty and honey all squirm quite a bit now, betty the lesser.

It could be that your girl relates getting caught with being taken to the vet? when you manage to catch her, try and give her a nice treat. Rosie has left me with claw marks on my chest and arms but she feels safest when she nuzzles into my side between my ribs and arm. so i handle her daily in her fleece cozy and give her veggies and she's getting there. when i do handle her i take her away from hutch as I've noticed she struggles more when she's close to others and hutch
Yeah, I suppose. She is really hard to get out the cage. She's super confident about taking food out of our hands, but as soon as we try to touch her she freaks out and bolts. I guess we need to try doing veggies with lap time, we've been giving them bits of grass in lap time. But literally for the past week we've been unable to even pick her up for it :| Kinda sucks!
all mind get scooped up into their fleece hidey and then held in that on my lap for a bit while i talk to them and put them down elsewhere, i don't tend to really scoop them up in it and then get them out of it in case they then also relate going in there to scaring them and then they refuse to go in. Luckily all mine as soon as plonk cozy down they amble straight on in, and least with hidden i can close the one end as apposed to tunnel which is a bit harder to do.
Look on my friends website she makes sells loads of fleece items aswel as toys, treats etc for them, i honestly can't recommend her items enough

snoozies cozies
even my most confident girl bolts when stroked, but they all come forward at feeding time. I kid you not i can't even open the fridge without them squeeking. as long as all mine are happy and healthy then I'm happy :)
Love that website btw, probably gonna buy a bunch from there. We only have one fleece at the minute, we change between fleece and sawdust and definitely need more hidey holes!
I don't use any special techniques, just pick my pigs up with my two hands and plop them on the bed (for cuddles) or take them out to run around. My white aby Milo is very young and attached to Keiko, to the point where he lines up to be put back in the cage after Keiko has gone in (Keiko goes in/out first as he is dom piggy). I know piggies can be hard to catch and i find removing their hideys before picking them up helps me as they can't hide on me and they also know when the hideys go out what to expect if its around floor time. However neither of my pigs struggle to the point where they are too hard to handle or scratch me at all. I do believe in time your pig will grow used to whatever method you use and the more she trusts you the easier it will be to hold her. I always have my hands in the cage to poop scoop or give more food/hay and my Keiko will actually stand up using the cage bars sometimes when i walk by just because he wants a little pat on the head or rub on the nose. Anything you can do to get her used to the feel of your hands on her body if you do choose to go with just your hands is a good thing. I find stroking them during veggie time is easiest :) they're too distracted by yummy food to care about some petting
Yeah, well we do clean the cage out with the both of them in there, hand feed twice a day and up until recently had lap time almost every day but Donut is being troublesome and its maybe once a week for Donut now. Muffin has laptime twice a day due to having medication for UTI for the moment, but she enjoys the medicine so she doesn't mind.

I think I may start feeding their veggies at lap time rather then hand feeding them in the cage?
you could definitely try that! Is is possible Donut is having a bad season for some reason or other? seems odd she would just go nuts, is she showing any signs of pain when being touched? I know skin conditions or parasites can cause piggies pain when we touch their fur etc
Some of my pigs, particularly when they were younger, were hard to catch, and would totally rip up my arm with their nails. Hadley on top of it used to shriek if she was feeling particularly feisty! Being picked up is stressful for guinea pigs, it cuts very close to their natural instincts as a prey animal. In the wild, nothing picks you up to cuddle you! So it's natural for them to instinctively fear this experience. Guinea pigs who feel threatened tend to either freeze or run- she's evidently gone through the freezing period (which actually indicates greater fear in a lot of cases) and is into running. You can try to make it easier for her by picking her up in a fleece, or a tube or something like that, but ultimately if you've got to pick her up for medical care, you've got to pick her up for medical care and will just have to catch her. I agree with giving her a treat and such as positive reinforcement when you do pick her up. I did find that my pigs mellowed out with age and catching them was no longer a big deal (though some of mine are more opinionated about when they get picked up... Hadley in particular is happy to be picked up most of the time but is also really stubborn, so if there is something she wants to do instead she will kick up a fuss.)
Love that website btw, probably gonna buy a bunch from there. We only have one fleece at the minute, we change between fleece and sawdust and definitely need more hidey holes!

Nikki is great and i honestly can't fault her products or advice enough and would never recommend anyone else as i know first hand how good her products are made and they last
Freela your piggies sound cute haha.

Good stuff going to order some stuff from her I think. maybe picking donut up in a cosy... might possibly work haha.
a cosy is so much easier, as you can support them while in it with one hand and grip it closed with the other. My lot love their cozies, 3 of mine when i plonk it near them i say their name and tell them to go in and they do
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