piggy lunging and biting!

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New Born Pup
Nov 6, 2011
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When ever my other half handles my piggy she goes for him proper bites! not nibbles she hasn't drawn blood or anything! he feeds her and pets her why is this happening? she is fine with me good as gold! why is she so different with us?
When you say he pets her, does he stroke her like a cat - long, firm strokes down the full length of the body? Most guinea pigs enjoy becoming stroked like this. Guinea pigs generally do not like being tickled, scratched or patted, nor do they like delicate touches.

Chin rubs and stroking in the direction the hair grows on the nose/forehead is good too

They show their dislike by kicking out with a back leg, hopping round and telling you off, if this fails to get the message across they can nip too.


Suzy x
my OH doesnt like piggies, and I swear they know. Once or twice he has had to hold them for a minute and you can see them thinking.....mmmm dont like this uman!:))
I had a sow once who was a real character. She was very close to me but the minute my other half walked in the room she would turn her bottom to him and pee at him! A proper projectile pee to tell him to bog off! It was very funny. She did get used to him eventually but she never really liked him. Absolutely no reason for it and all five other guineas were fine, I knew her as a baby so she had not been abused either. She was very possessive though even with other piggies and also showed this behaviour to some of the others in the herd. They are funny little things.

Hopefully with time and treats (!) things will improve...hope he does'nt take it personally!
When ever my other half handles my piggy she goes for him proper bites! not nibbles she hasn't drawn blood or anything! he feeds her and pets her why is this happening? she is fine with me good as gold! why is she so different with us?

When Sam came in to rescue he was very teeth happy, he would lunge at me and bit me more times then i care too remember...

It took a long time to get him out of it...

lodes of little steps... feeding her veggies in the cage... then after a few weeks of working like that then start with him petting her in the cage... so on and so fourth.... its tedious work... and if shes really teeth happy then invest in some thick gloves...!... :))
You should see my ASBO pig Jessie - She is an utter nightmare!

She makes you think she's really enjoying being fussed then out of nowhere she full blown attacks you!

I've had several trips to the vets with her to see if there is a reason behind it - vets are clueless and think i'm telling fibs as shes sweet as anything when were there lol
You should see my ASBO pig Jessie - She is an utter nightmare!

She makes you think she's really enjoying being fussed then out of nowhere she full blown attacks you!

I've had several trips to the vets with her to see if there is a reason behind it - vets are clueless and think i'm telling fibs as shes sweet as anything when were there lol

Ha ha i thought i was the only one with an ASBO pig :(|) Thats what me and the hub call him, he's fine when he is getting his own way but if you annoy him there is hell to pay! Hes a little cutie though so we dont mind, and its getting less and less as he gets friendlier.
haha Mojo is an ASBO pig
He always bites and has drawn blood on a few occasions, I think some pigs are just bitey and are evil xD
haha Mojo is an ASBO pig
He always bites and has drawn blood on a few occasions, I think some pigs are just bitey and are evil xD
Haha thank god we're not alone here! he pets her with the long strokes down the back and he feeds her treats in her cage and strokes her when he is feeding her (but she just purrs) I think she may be jealous of him! or she has a wee teenage attitude! think she is wanting to be alpha. I swear she is more like a dog than a piggy. lol!

She is the only piggy I have ever had that has had this attitude! its new to me!
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