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Piggy Fell On His Back!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Plutonian living in Surrey.
I was in the cage, feeding the boys. I was on my feet and my knees were, hmm, about as high as a smartphone, probably higher. Anyway, Godfrey jumped on my leg to get the food and fell off onto his back! He landed on the soft fleece and spent about a millisecond looking surprised before he went to grab the food, and he showed no signs of pain when I pressed his spine. Should I take him to the vets? The distance he fell was probably just a bit higher than the average phone. Help though! He's fallen a few times before because he's so adventurous, but he's always landed on his feet, and once his bum. Is it my fault? Vets or no vets?
Not your fault, accidents happen. Is he walking around okay now? I would just keep a close eye on him - as long as he is behaving okay then luckily no damage it seems has been done. Please don't blame yourself, hopefully all is okay
Please don't blame yourself - these things happen with bouncy piggies.
If he is moving around fine (not limping), is eating and pooping as normal and no change from normal then I would leave well alone.
If he stops moving, limps, or loses any movement in his legs; or if he stop eating and being himself then that is the time to take him to see a vet.
Hopefully all will be well.
I popped him on the landing, and judging by the way he toddled off at the speed of sound, he's absolutely fine.
I just wish he'd be more careful, he seems to like leaping round here and there. Hopefully Duncan will give him a stern warning.
But I'm just glad to have this forum, thanks guys! He is behaving normally and had a nibble of his pellets. Now he's being subjected to kisses.
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