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Piggy eye protection


Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 14, 2023
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Sigh... wouldn't it be good to have goggles/contact lenses/glasses for piggies to protect their eyes when they eat hay. Little Miss Bianca has had to go to the vets twice this week for a hay poke in each eye. There really is no protection, is there, apart from keeping their eyes shut and avoiding spikey hay, is there...
Sigh... wouldn't it be good to have goggles/contact lenses/glasses for piggies to protect their eyes when they eat hay. Little Miss Bianca has had to go to the vets twice this week for a hay poke in each eye. There really is no protection, is there, apart from keeping their eyes shut and avoiding spikey hay, is there...


I am very sorry; hay pokes are to some extent part of giving your piggies an enriched life but you can use different hays for different purposes in order to minimise the risk. Opt for softer meadow hay (I use Devon meadow hay from Nature's Own but other members can give you more recommendations) to burrow in and feed spiky timothy hay flattened down.
A Comprehensive Hay Guide for Guinea Pigs (incl. providers in several countries)
Sigh... wouldn't it be good to have goggles/contact lenses/glasses for piggies to protect their eyes when they eat hay. Little Miss Bianca has had to go to the vets twice this week for a hay poke in each eye. There really is no protection, is there, apart from keeping their eyes shut and avoiding spikey hay, is there...

Oh Miss Bianca close them pretty eyes when you go diving in the hay. Sending healing vibes.
Bianca’s ‘grandmother’ here! It was one eye on Tuesday and t’other on Wednesday, and has, so far, cost £162. (It will come to £ 219 with the check-up next week.) The second hay poke was really nasty. We do get a soft meadow hay because of Bianca’s propensity. (She’s the excitable one.) Timothy hay is strictly for the hay rack.