Piggy campsite :)

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 1, 2007
Reaction score
Braintree, Essex
Well, my piggy pen anyway!


Unfortunately they wouldn't all line up in their tents looking out smiling at me! ;D
ROFL So cute! :) Bet they love those little houses, dont they chew them though?

Haha! What a fab photo! I love it! ;D

Those little tents (or ones very similar) are on the Thistle Cavies website shop for just under a five including postage - they're great!
aww they are really cute... I like the idea that they have gone on strike too! (except the one in the middle!) ;D :)
;D great tents! - right mini glastonbury you've got there! ;D

lovely pigs :smitten:
Nishka said:
aww they are really cute... I like the idea that they have gone on strike too! (except the one in the middle!) ;D :)

Yeah, she's a good girl! ;)

Hope they don't keep me up all night with loud music, Glastonbury style! :o ;D
I love those little tents O0 I was going to get some for my pigs but they would probably eat them or something lol :smitten:
AWWWW soo cute - Mine have 1 of them wigwams but they poo in it so its going in the bib soon ::)
The piggies (currently sitting round a campfire singing Kumbaya ( ;D) say thank you for all the lovely comments. I got their tents from Bunny Basics - about £5 each. :)
They look really fab! i might get some for my chaps! its looks like a rodeo in my garden at the mo with straw bales everywhere! i got hitched yesterday after 16 yrs! and had friends and family round in the afternoon :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
gingerpig said:
Lovely pic, they look good. Don't the piggies chew them?
No they dont chew them well mine dont they are cheap too so if they do buy another ;D Mine poo in theirs and it stinks so will have to chuck mine soon :-\
AWWWW its like carry on camping! hehe ;D I love it.so sweet idea :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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