Piggies Vs Cat - Favouritism Is A Terrible Thing....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hythe, Kent UK
Am going away for a week from Saturday so the animals are being looked after by someone else.

Instructions have been left, but it would seem that there is a slight disparity between the level of care for the piggies and for our cat, Felix....

We are cat sitting for 3 cats over the next few days and the instructions for them are simple too, though if it were the other way around it would be a lot more complex. I notice you have said water every few days, are they coming in every day? if so please ask them to change their water daily especially in this weather.
I left mine for three days and when i came back they had hardly any hay and hadn't even gone through a full bag.Must remember next time to emphasise constant hay.The rats hamsters dogs and gerbil are easy compared to the piggies.
Aw bless that poor kitty! In all honesty cats can fend a little better than piggies. Now I would not like to see the list for my piggies... O.O
Hehe, I know where your coming from.. I have had my garden cat proofed, to keep my cats safe. I was thinking about getting another cat, but thinking about introducing them to my two, put me off, and I have just spent £150 setting up for my toffee, treacle and fudge piggies. If I had gone to cats protection it would have cost me £60.00 donation for the cat £10 a week for food and cat litter, 3 cats (x £10.00) will need 4 litter trays, I have to use catsan litter because I have dogs ( not going into details) my garden is solid clay, no kitty digging in that! Piggies will work out cheaper, as I will bed them on fleece once I get organised. Piggies also don't need introducing to the cats. The cats ignore them, as I have piggies before in a huge run, and the cat used to go in to keep the mice down. The dogs know it is more than their life is worth to go near the piggies. Yet a new cat might have an attitude towards dogs. It is like being the United Nations here!
Haha, my pigs are going to stay with my mum while I'm away next week and it was only when I was printing the instructions off that I noticed they're three pages long...!
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