Piggies Scared Of Food Smells...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 11, 2011
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Anyone else have particularly sensitive piggies like this?

We never saw Tango or Cash really turn their noses up at anything but with Wyatt and Ludo it's very different! Show Wyatt a peice of banana and he'll back off at lightning speed. Ludo did the same with melon at first but after about 5 apprehensive approaches to it he decided it wasn't going to hurt him and was actually quite nice.

Dropped a bit of basil in each for them last night and Ludo literally ran a mile! Silly sausage!
MrS was eating cheese once and the boys were bullying him for some so he let them sniff it - they scarpered so fast it was if he just shoved pins up their little noses!
Haha oh dear! Greedy boys - that'll teach them!
The dreaded green bean piggy eating monster! Good to know it's not just mine that do this!
Mine do this every time with orange! Then Button sneaks up on it and tentatively ventures a lick before tucking in when the others aren't looking! :D
I just let them sniff my rice cake with peanut butter. Toby had a good old sniff of it, Barney scarpered and from the look on his little face I think he might have been crying!
Oh, a piggie crying?! That's too sad! Sometimes mine will sniff something and then wave their noses in the air as if trying to waft the smell out of their nostrils!
My four piggies did this with coriander. Ludwig (avatar), Gilbert, Romano and either Matthew or Corey (Not sure who I had at the time) all ran away so fast and did it for ages. Then one or two of them decided they liked it but the rest still ran a mile.

Now my current four, Romano, Matthew, Ryou and Sakurai can't get enough of the stuff. It's like crack to them. Silly piggies.
My girls don't like banana either. They're off like a couple of rockets.
They will nibble a green bean, but then drop it and run away.
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