Piggies Prefer Small Cage


New Born Pup
Nov 24, 2017
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hello, I’ve got my first piggies after wanting them for years so I want to do everything right. They are only babies at the moment so my plan is one the weather is warmer to put them outside and they can have their hutch out onto the grass but for now they are inside . They have a cage and an indoor run which is larger. I put them in the run during the day with hiding places , food etc and then the cage at night . Although the run is bigger they just hide when they go in there. Is this because it’s a new place for them and they will eventually come out or does this mean they are happier in the cage?
Hi, welcome to the forum :)

Piggies are prey animals, so the run is appearing large for them at the moment, hence they are hiding to feel safe. Make sure the run always has hideys in, as they settle they will be out and about more. How lon have you had them?

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Welcome again
Hi and welcome!

Here are lots of tips on how to settle and understand skittish new guinea pigs hat run on their prey animal instincts.

Please wait with introducing a run until your guinea pigs have settled fully into their cage and are confident in it. The run is another new potentially territory that can only be explored carefully. Dot lots hideys around at about 1 foot distance that can be used as bases from which to explore further. Wipe the run and hideys with rag you have run over the cage; you can also use used fleece and hideys to help them to recognise the run as their own territory at first. Guinea pigs are instinctively afraid of open spaces, so please cover atleast half of the run with a sheet or blanket.

More tips in here:
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips

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Thank you, I’ve put a hidey place in there and they stay in that so like you all say maybe put more in and they will feel safe to run between them . Thank you