One of my new pigs has a sore on the pad side of his paw, here's a pic:
It's not giving him any pain when walking, he's running about fine, putting all pressure on that paw so not overly worried about contacting vets. Would like to know what to do with it. Sudocrem I've used before on some sores they had when I got them, but obviously he will more than likely lick that off of his paws. I've been told tea-bags is good with sores and things? I'll need some info on that because that went straight over my head lol!
Thanks for any advice/info, lilmisscavy

It's not giving him any pain when walking, he's running about fine, putting all pressure on that paw so not overly worried about contacting vets. Would like to know what to do with it. Sudocrem I've used before on some sores they had when I got them, but obviously he will more than likely lick that off of his paws. I've been told tea-bags is good with sores and things? I'll need some info on that because that went straight over my head lol!
Thanks for any advice/info, lilmisscavy