Piggies only want to eat muesli.


New Born Pup
May 29, 2023
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So I always buy a bag of mixed guineapig food from a nearby pet store (versele laga). And the last few months they refuse to eat the pellets, they only eat the seeds in it. I saw other people give their pigs only pellets. So we tried it out of a different brand (Science selective) and they ate NOTHING, we have tried multiple days. They kept wheeking for food (yes I also give hay and veggies) So I felt bad and decided on just giving them the muesli again, which they immediately attacked. I read articles saying the seeds and other things in the muesli are harmful.

Does anyone know a brand of pellets that suit picky eaters? Should I stop giving them muesli and only veggies from now on?
Stop feeding the muesli, guinea pigs tend to pick at the bits they like and leave the rest. The mixes are also full of additives and things that shouldn't really be eaten, like seeds.

Science selective is a great brand, many of the people on the forum use them, including me. Stop feeding the muesli all together and continue feeding everything else as normal.

Offer them their 1tbsp of science selective pellets (per pig) once a day, and if they don’t eat them, then put back into an enclosed container until the next pellet feeding time.
Pellets make up a very, very small amount of a pigs diet so your pigs should/would be fine without them, but hopefully they should come around once they realise the sugar filled ‘treats’ (the muesli) are not being fed no more.
Thank you for your advice. I wish I knew it was so unhealthy sooner. I will switch foods.

Can I ask something else? Which veggies and how much do you feed your piggies? I give mine a chunk bellpepper every day. I also tried cicory and chinese cabbage, since I read cabbages are healthy for them. However, I noticed a lot of belly noises and stopped feeding it to them because I'm scared of bloating..
Cabbage is not something they should have a lot of. It can risk causing bloat.
The four main safe veg they can have every day are are lettuce, cilantro, bell pepper and cucumber.

It is one cup of veg per pig per day.

If they won’t eat a plain pellet, then don’t worry too much (pellets aren’t essential in the diet provided they get a good range of veg, grass and any safe wild forage). Just don’t go back to feeding the muesli if they won’t eat plain pellets.
I used to feed muesli (wragg guinea pig crunch in my case)to past guinea pigs until I new any better. I slowly introduced Harrington’s pellets which they ignored and still ate the muesli so I completely took the muesli away and just fed the pellets. They wheeked for the muesli and left the pellets but I stuck to my guns and eventually they ate the pellets.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind