piggies not what i expected!

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HI all, I have had my piggies a few months now but they are not what i was expecting. I have rabbits, hamsters etc so am not new to the animal world and taming etc.
My boys are Bill and Ted. Now Bill is quite stroppy, doesnt like being picked up will bite etc while Ted is getting better and enjoys a cuddle.
Thing is I feel Bill is following Teds behaviour which is he cant relax around us although I feel he would have been a completely different piggy on his own or without Ted.
I dont intend splitting them up but am very sad i cannot tame the 2 and they continue to be very afraid of human contact.
Is this just one of them things with piggies?
I have always wanted them but am very disapppointed and its got to the point where they dont have much fun, they dont even seem to enjoy playtime. :(
It does take time to build up trust. I had a few probs with one of mine, but my god, it was worth the effort and the biting, as Riffy is now my best friend.

Guineas are the sweetest, most friendly animals I know of. Please don't give up.
Have you tried hand-feeding them bits of veg? Either feed through the bars of the cage or sit on the floor during floor time and offer them some veg?

Our Roo doesn't like actually being picked up - he's fine on a lap but hates the feeling of being lifted.
It will take time but believe me it will be worth every minute of it! :)

Give them regular cuddles and slowly they will become more confident! Soon you will have the most friendly, delightful little friends ever and you will get so much love back from them. :D
agree with all above. It's highly rewarding when they are tame, but getting them there is the challenge!

Don't give up - we've all been there :)
Fudge used to nip me but grew out of it but he still isn't a cuddly piggy, if I get him out he wriggles to get back in his home although he's not scared or timid of me. However he's cheeky and funny to talk to as he seems to listen and talk back. Grace is very happy to be held and laid back, Lottie half way between the two. So I guess they're all different
I've had one of mine since the 13th dec. They weren't handled much and Grissom is still a bit nervous and prefers to be left in the cage. Time and patience is all it should take.
All piggys are different - some are not as cuddly as others but I have never had one fail to love human company - in the end. They are naturally nervous, and as already said, it takes time to build up trust.

Whenever I have a new piggy, I do my 'becoming part of the furniture' which is where I basically plant myself outside their pen, with a good book and I stay there for a good few hours. They soon realise that I am not a threat and are happy to stay out when I approach (rather than scrurry away). I then progress to hand feeding and stroking on their terms before I start holding them for any long period of time. Usually they are hand feeding and being stroked within a week or so. I do, obviously, pick them up from day one to get them out of their pens for exercise time and health checks but I personally, do not force mine to have long periods of lap time until the trust has been built up a little first.

Everyone does it differently but (touchwood) I have never failed to earn a piggys trust in the end and people always comment on how tame mine are. I think they are the most friendly and entertaining animals!
That seems to me like a very good way to do it.

I like the way you reassure them from the off by being in front of them but just minding your own business
Just be patient. They will both come around eventually, it takes time for guinea pigs to build trust. Mine came around be cause I gave them lots of treats, and I spent time with them every day. Don't give up!
Just be patient, just keep giving them lots of cuddles, like the other have said it will be worth it.
Like people, all animals have different temperaments and characters. No two are the same. Value them as individuals and have, as already said patience. If you feel you really can't bond with and love them, seek the help of a reputable rescue to find them a safe place.
I hope that you can find it within your heart to love and care for them though. You will find lot's of support here to help you do so :)
Just ask.
when i got my holly at first she hated to be pick up she just liked to sit on my and when she i picked uo he legs yuse to kick everyhwre she liked her keep to be on smonthing but the last 4 ro 5 months she has stopped kicking whne i pick her up it jsut takes time jsut speend lots of time with them
I always say guineas improve with age. Young guinea pigs are daft scatty creatures. With time, gentle treatment and plenty of food they can be transformed :)

Sometimes the best way to tame them is to take all the hidey holes out of their cage so they can't hide. They gradually learn that they don't need to, and that people are the source of all that lovely food that appears. Then they learn to fix you with that look....
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