Piggies Not Getting On

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New Born Pup
Aug 24, 2016
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i got my first piggie just over 2 months ago and he's doing fine and still hasn't yet been introduced to my other three, which I got who'd been together a year and apparently couldn't be separated, haven't been getting on. One (fudge) constantly chases the other two, one much worse than the other. And is constantly trying to get on top of the other, and occasionally he will make a wheek and its so horrible to hear, I'm unsure if he bites him but no blood has been drawn, although his ear looks slightly torn which must have been done before I got them. Has anyone got any advice on how to calm it down, they have a two level cage so have plenty of room, always have chews, toys and hide's. So I haven't a clue why this could be happening. I tried putting one on the other level and blocking it off but he was wheeking and trying to find a way back down to them... Any help and advice will be much appreciated.
Hi and welcome

Your boys are in the hormonal teenage months and will be in there for the next 10 months. Please be aware that baby boar trios have a fall-out rate of around 90% before they reach adulthood (and as adults still an over 50% fail rate) whereas boar quartets have a 100% fail rate unless you have disabled/carer boars, which changes the dynamics.

Boars either work as pairs or in large groups with lots of space, but small groups are the most unstable combination. Please DO NOT try to to introduce your new boy into a trio that is alreay borderline dysfunctional or is already dysfunctional. At the worst you can end up with four single boars, most likely with one pair and two singles. You can try to split your most dominant and hormonal boy, and hope that your other two make a stable couple that will stay together through the next rather tricky months. Try to bond your outsider with your newbie, but be aware that it may well not work out, as your bully boy is at the most difficult stage in his life when it comes to bonding.

How big is your hutch?

Please take the time and carefully read through these detailed guides here. You can find all the necessary tips and information on teenage boys and boar bondings in them!
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Okay, I was thinking would it be possible to separate the dominant one from the other two, and then try and introduce my young boy who's been on his own for two months to them? And then have the dominant one separate ? And I'm not completely sure on the measurements but it's two levels and fairly large so they ha plenty of room to get away from eachother.
Okay, I was thinking would it be possible to separate the dominant one from the other two, and then try and introduce my young boy who's been on his own for two months to them? And then have the dominant one separate ? And I'm not completely sure on the measurements but it's two levels and fairly large so they ha plenty of room to get away from eachother.

As Wiebke already mentioned, boar trios have a 90% fall-out rate.
If your current threesome is not working then why not take one boar from that group and try to introduce him to your youngster.
Hopefully this will leave you with two bonded pairs, so no one lives alone.

Space is also very important (particularly for boar pairs), and your cage needs to be at least 140cm long for each pair.

Hopefully with 4 boys you can find a solution and everyone will settle down again.
Okay, I was thinking would it be possible to separate the dominant one from the other two, and then try and introduce my young boy who's been on his own for two months to them? And then have the dominant one separate ? And I'm not completely sure on the measurements but it's two levels and fairly large so they ha plenty of room to get away from eachother.

As I have said, you can try to separate the tri boar that is causing the problems and try to bond him with your single boy. However, as with any bonding, you need to have a plan B at the ready if the two don't work out; it takes on average 1-3 tries to find Mr Right.
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