Piggies moodier in the evening/night?


New Born Pup
Jun 1, 2018
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Hello! My 2, 7-month-old boys almost had a falling out when they were 4 months, but sorted it out. Their hierarchy somehow COMPLETELY changed, and the previous submissive piggie is now dominant, but they seem at peace with it. There’s been some new bickering recently, more intense this time, I am constantly in fear it’ll break out into a fight. But there’s a catch - it’s only in the evening and night. They groom each other and happily sit next to each other and even share food during the day, but in the evenings, Wilbur gets all rumble-strutty and chattery. This time around it’s also much more them complaining/whining at each other instead of just loud chatter, through there is some of that too. Am I doing something wrong that makes them grumpy in the evening? I’m in the medical field and am currently knee-deep in neurology, which means my sleeping schedule is… well… let’s just say I don’t get much sleep. Does that affect them? Is me being awake so much disturbing their sleep and making them agitated or something?
have you seen them fighting with each other or just hear it and it stops when you get there.... Maybe you have an unwelcome house guest they're being territorial around. like a house mouse or the likes.. guinea pigs are more of a nocturnal species. very active at night so could be just when they're awake enough to fight with each other.. to tired during the day :P
They are teenagers and that comes with angst! You are not doing anything to cause it. Keep a close eye on their relationship and see how things go. If things escalate they may need a temporary separation and neutral territory reintroduction to allow them to decide if they want to be together.

Guinea pigs are not nocturnal. They are crepuscular - most active early mornings and evenings but don’t sleep much at any time though - just short naps here and there. If a bond fails, it’ll fail regardless of the time of day.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
have you seen them fighting with each other or just hear it and it stops when you get there.... Maybe you have an unwelcome house guest they're being territorial around. like a house mouse or the likes.. guinea pigs are more of a nocturnal species. very active at night so could be just when they're awake enough to fight with each other.. to tired during the
have you seen them fighting with each other or just hear it and it stops when you get there.... Maybe you have an unwelcome house guest they're being territorial around. like a house mouse or the likes.. guinea pigs are more of a nocturnal species. very active at night so could be just when they're awake enough to fight with each other.. to tired during the day :P
No full-blown fighting, just bickering! I watch them pretty much 24/7, I don’t see a difference in how they behave when I’m there vs when I’m not there. Thank you for your reply!
They are teenagers and that comes with angst! You are not doing anything to cause it. Keep a close eye on their relationship and see how things go. If things escalate they may need a temporary separation and neutral territory reintroduction to allow them to decide if they want to be together.

Guinea pigs are not nocturnal. They are crepuscular - most active early mornings and evenings but don’t sleep much at any time though - just short naps here and there. If a bond fails, it’ll fail regardless of the time of day.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thank you so much for your reply! The teenager hormones are no joke, my human, teenage sister is less angst than my boys 😂