Piggies in a winter wonderland


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 28, 2019
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Don't worry, I've scraped away the snow where she is standing. And she was only on there for like 20 seconds.

I thought the backdrop of a snowy woods and the gorgeous face of this baby piggy would make for some lovely photos!

I'm going to attempt this with the less patient guinea pigs later, once I've warmed up myself.

(Sorry if this is in the wrong place)
Yeah, I'm not having them outside for more than a minute, and I'm not having them on the snow for more than 20 seconds.

Thank you though!
I’m going to be a real party pooper here. Piggies are like tender plants. I really wouldn’t have them out in the snow for any time at all. A cute photo isn’t worth the risk of making them seriously ill.
Beautiful photos, just be very careful one does not run off. Could you sit on quickly on a warm hot water bottle if you are going take more photos x
I mean they live outside, they put up with a bit of snow yesterday. There's not much wind.

And they're immediately going into my jacket. They seem to be absolutely fine, but I'm being very careful.
Beautiful piggies, but please be careful, we know you love your piggies and wouldn't want them to be poorly. Hope to see lots more photos of them soon