Piggies Gone Wild

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Chicago, IL, USA
So, last night, I had a wonderful evening of shopping and a nice steak dinner out with the boyfriend. We were coming home to watch a great movie and just as we were settling in and I went to check on the boys...BEDLAM.

The food bowl was overturned. The water tube was pulled off the wall. It looked as though God had sent an eleventh plague, this one being of hay all o'er the land. According to my friend who had been home all night, they had done it on purpose and seemed to be having the time of their lives. They were too quick for her, as much as she tried to clean up as they went along.

Could this mean it's time for a bigger cage? I know they don't have cabin fever, as they get lots of time out to romp about the area I've sanctioned off for them in the living room. They are still less than a year old and growing quickly...

Your thoughts?
So, last night, I had a wonderful evening of shopping and a nice steak dinner out with the boyfriend. We were coming home to watch a great movie and just as we were settling in and I went to check on the boys...BEDLAM.

The food bowl was overturned. The water tube was pulled off the wall. It looked as though God had sent an eleventh plague, this one being of hay all o'er the land. According to my friend who had been home all night, they had done it on purpose and seemed to be having the time of their lives. They were too quick for her, as much as she tried to clean up as they went along.

Could this mean it's time for a bigger cage? I know they don't have cabin fever, as they get lots of time out to romp about the area I've sanctioned off for them in the living room. They are still less than a year old and growing quickly...

Your thoughts?

Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Cage Size Guide
We recommend a 2x5 ft cage for two boars, ideally a 2x5 grid C&C cage. Adolescent boars need all the space they can get. Sounds like a proper zooming and popcorning romp!
This cage is a 2×5, so it's probably time to kick it up a notch. And yes, they looked very proud of themselves. If they could talk, when they saw the look on my face, they would have said, "So, you had fun tonight? Yeah. Us too."
This is hilarious! What is it with Boy piggies ? There seem to be a lot of threads about naughty boy pigs at the moment and my boy has also been extremely naughty of late, tearing around the house, chattering to anyone who will listen (not many) and generally acting the fool.
Boys will be boys, it appears. Herbie just pulled another stunt, finding a tiny little opening which I overlooked in the playpen. It took me literally an hour to finally get him under siege, and my boyfriend contributed NOTHING lol. He just napped on the couch.

"Honey, can you do me a favour, Herbie is on the loose!"


"Honey, please, just go around that side of the sofa?!"

My boys are the same, they constantly rearrange everything moveable in their cage. I think they could flip a car with their neck muscles if given the opportunity :D
This is hilarious! What is it with Boy piggies ? There seem to be a lot of threads about naughty boy pigs at the moment and my boy has also been extremely naughty of late, tearing around the house, chattering to anyone who will listen (not many) and generally acting the fool.

its when theres a full moon. they get moon madness :yikes:
Sounds like they had a lot of fun! My girls (especially in their younger days) did their share of rearranging things, flipping food bowls, knocking off water bowls, etc. Then they would be lined up at the bars looking sad and hungry when I got home so I could fix things up again. Hadley will still run around like a maniac, but Sundae is now too old for those kind of shenanigans and mainly tries to stay out of the way!
I love it when guinea pig removals have been in and rearranged all your hard work. Cage trashers!
I've recently been finding the food bowl CLEAR ACROSS THE CAGE. Actually, the other morning I caught Herbie sticking his face all the way in it while it was upright where it belonged. I knew something was up. I said "Herbie, don't do it...Herbie..." and literally within seconds he toppled the bowl over in response, it was priceless. Wish I had taken a video.
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