Piggies getting to trust their owners

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 15, 2012
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I have loved rescuing the 3 piggys I have had since I became an adult piggy owner when I first got twiglet and Coco in November last year. I just wondered how you can tell when the piggys have really started to trust you and accept you as their new owners and what experiences you have had with positive behaviour changes in your rescued guinea's.

What I have noticed is that twiglet has become a much more confident piggy and really loves being carried and cuddled now and really snuggles into me, as does mr red who almost nuzzles into my neck, when i get him out of the hutch or run. I would really like to know what behaviours can I look for to tell me my piggys are happy.
Your piggies sound very happy to me and like they have a lovely bond with you.
They sound very content and happy to me also. Sounds like they love and trust you completely.

You know you have gained trust a little when they will take food from you, or they will settle on your lap. It took 2 years before Cookie and Treacy would settle for lap time. But they would come over for food before this and Cookie is a fusspot so loves chin rubs in the cage and will come over for them.

Our newbies have been with us for 3 weeks and with Cookies guidance trust us enough for hand feeding, but still don't like being petted too much or lap time, I know they'll get there, it's just time and lots of interaction. I love building up the bond.
Aw.... Mr red tooth his first pieces of food from me today. It felt great :laluot_15::laluot_15:
I always hand feed a piece of veg each before putting the rest in the cage so they now rush up to the bars and stand at the door (usually wheeking) whenever I go near them. Sometimes they let me give them chin rubs and other times they rumble and popcorn away. I also taught mine a couple of simple tricks so I know they're relaxed around me. :))
Sounds like they have already bonded well and coming along very nicely! Wheeking for food and taking food off your hand are often first steps. Being out and about and even popcorning in your presence is also a good sign, as being relaxed when handled (although with some piggies you may find that that can change when they get courage to tell you what they do NOT like and become less cuddly - but that is another sign of trust and confidence).

It is usually a slow, gradual progress.
I always do that too and my piggies rush up to the bars as soon as I walk in the room now! They stand up and hold onto the bars and as soon as I give them a piece they snatch it and reverse haha! They wheek like crazy too, especially when my alarm goes off as they know it's breakfast time soon :))
I have to echo what Wiebke has said. While I was thrilled when my boys started enjoying cuddles and stroking at lap time, I was even more thrilled when they got confident enough to let me know they had had enough. With the new dog Oreo, who likes to get on the sofa as well at piggy lap time, they have no problems nipping at her if she invades their space too much. She now lays quietly and lets them walk all over her legs.
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