Piggies Do Not Like Being Out Of Their Cage.

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New Born Pup
Dec 24, 2015
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I got two four month old Boars just under two weeks ago and as a brand new owner who has never had experience with piggies before, I would just like to seek reassurance really that the bond with my piggies will come. My boyfriend and I have been aiming to get the piggies out of their cage every day for cuddle time etc, we started by trying to pick them up, but this seemed too stressful for them so we now do this by ushering them into their hidey tube. However once they are out of their cage they both seem to want to return almost immediately. I can get them to sit and take some food for maybe a minute or two, but then they both get extremely agitated and keep trying to head back to their cage. I feel like progress has gone backwards as they seemed to be more content the first few times we had them out the cage. They are both happy to come out and eat etc within the cage when we are both in the room, but are still very nervous of any sounds or movements.
I would say keep going as you are! Sounds like its going pretty well for two weeks. If they want to only come out and eat for a few minutes at first then thats fine. hand feeding inside cage, veg on lap or on floor are all good ways so keep it up! They will warm up to you! Good luck!
I hope so. They are very temperamental with hand feeding. Sometimes they are happy to do it, other times they are not interested or too scared to do it. I have been trying lots of different veg and treats, but my piggies seem to be all about the hay. That's the only thing I have heard/seen them get really excited over so far!
It's still early days and it's normal for them to want to be somewhere that they feel safe. A lot of the time what looks like docility in very new piggies is actually them 'freezing' out of fear (pigs typically have two defense mechanisms- freeze or run.) The fact that they are moving out of the 'freeze' stage isn't a step back, it's actually a step of a bit of growing confidence. Keep on doing what you're doing- offering food and spending time (even if it's a short time) holding them and interacting with them. Pigs can take time to settle, but it does pay off in the long run. The two pigs that I have right now both started out terrified of us... now are very friendly. One gives kisses all the time, the other one LOVES people and will search for new people when she hears their voices.
Don't worry I'm having exactly the same problem with my girls! I've had them about a month and they are about 2 and a half months old. They are really not keen on being handled! They only occasionally take food from me as well.to start they seemed ok and I felt like they'd got worse. I'm just hoping with time they'll get used to handling!
Yes I hope so! I've just discovered they LOVE Kale, so this helped me to settle one of my boys during lap time yesterday as he was happy munching away whilst I stoked him. The other one is still very picky with hand feeding so I wasn't able to use the same bribing techniques on him. I've also ordered a snuggle cup and sack so hopefully that will help with handling. In the meantime until they arrive, I'm improvising with a small hanging basket and baby blanket to get them in and out the cage and this seems to be working much better.
Yes I hope so! I've just discovered they LOVE Kale, so this helped me to settle one of my boys during lap time yesterday as he was happy munching away whilst I stoked him. The other one is still very picky with hand feeding so I wasn't able to use the same bribing techniques on him. I've also ordered a snuggle cup and sack so hopefully that will help with handling. In the meantime until they arrive, I'm improvising with a small hanging basket and baby blanket to get them in and out the cage and this seems to be working much better.

Great stuff! Really pleased for you :)
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