Piggies Being Piggies!

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Don't know what wrong with my log in - can't watch video - says it's private
You probably have. I am going down the route of traditional older names, as I didn't like the condiment route lol!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww soooo lovely, Mavis is very chatty hun and I love tikkas popcorn. I'm fussing alex at the mo and he was really chilled laying across my arm I pressed play on your videos and he jumped up when he heard your lovely ladies talking and started looking around and wheeking back....it was Really funny :)
Thanks for posted and thanks for tagging me :)
The one with the black face who's wheeking really hard is Dory, she's a very grumpy and stressy girl who doesnt like handling. Apart from that she's as happy as larry, and loves her grub! The only one you won't really see out until food has been put down is Salsa, she is a very shy piggy and not vocal at all :) Unless someone is pulling on her hair... women pigs I tell you!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww soooo lovely, Mavis is very chatty hun and I love tikkas popcorn. I'm fussing alex at the mo and he was really chilled laying across my arm I pressed play on your videos and he jumped up when he heard your lovely ladies talking and started looking around and wheeking back....it was Really funny :)
Thanks for posted and thanks for tagging me :)

Aww bless him little Alex, liking the ladies!
Awwww lovely piggie ladies! I love their wheeking noise!
Played the videos loud enough for my piggies to hear; no reaction at all!
Cheeky little piggies. Love the look on the ones face that pulled the hair of the dark coloured piggy.
Lovely videos, such beautiful girls and such adorable wheeking!
I like the first one that comes into the grassy spot is just like, "Out of my WAY other pig!" Lol! I like that setup you have too! Do you find that they pee and poo on the hay and now on the fleece in the other area? Or is it just wherever?
They tend to do most in the food area thankfully, but still do a lot of pooing in their main bit :)
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