Piggies are trusting me less and less ?


New Born Pup
Dec 29, 2023
Reaction score
I’ve had my piggies for about a month now (I rescued them from a shelter and they are both about 5 months old) and at first things were progressing at a steady rate. I didn’t hold them or try to touch them for the first few days, and they started eating out of my hand very quickly. When I started holding them, things were still progressing pretty steadily, but I’ve recently moved them to my bed when I hold them since that’s where I plan on eventually holding them the most. The first day I did this, when I went to feed them at night, neither of them wanted to eat from the palm of my hand, and if they took any food from me, they’d run right back. My more adventurous + dominant piggie, Sherlock, ran out and took food from the palm of my hand, but didn’t hang around like she normally does. Today I tried holding Sherlock on my bed and giving her a little place to hide so she could come out on her own, but obviously she just hid there the whole time. I’m worried about how I’m going to regain their trust and if there’s anything I can do to make them more comfortable around me? Watson’s very skittish, but she seemed pretty comfortable when I held her on my lap on the floor (she’d sit still and let me pet her, but still look around and be responsive). I just don’t want to accidentally do something to make them not trust me, and I want to have a good bond like my new pigs like other people do. I know it’ll take time, but some advice would be much appreciated.

Btw, I do give them snacks when I hold them