Piggies And Their Owners...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
Helo everyone

My girls are becoming cuddle monsters, so much so that when the OH picks them up from me to have more time in their run, they struggle to go back to me. Smudge actually jumped out of his hands last night and hid under my chin!

Apart from getting licked, how do your piggies show their bond with you? Mine love to sprawl over me, Poppy tucked against one arm and Smudge under my chin. Both enjoy licking my hands and arms. They were like that for over an hour last night :)
Helo everyone

My girls are becoming cuddle monsters, so much so that when the OH picks them up from me to have more time in their run, they struggle to go back to me. Smudge actually jumped out of his hands last night and hid under my chin!

Apart from getting licked, how do your piggies show their bond with you? Mine love to sprawl over me, Poppy tucked against one arm and Smudge under my chin. Both enjoy licking my hands and arms. They were like that for over an hour last night :)
I've only got one cuddly pig, Guiseppe and he likes to snuggle his head under my chin when I'm holding him and he licks my hands a lot.My other 3 pigs seem glad when I put them down lol.
Queso is a really grumpy pig. His previous owner even told me he is not like other pigs and will be Mr. Grumps about anything. So, his signs of affections are very subtle, but I appreciate them so much when I see them. Most of the time, he lets me reach in and touch him, which wasn't always the case. That sense of trust and really precious to me. Also, sometimes he will let me touch his ears or under his chin, something he doesn't always let me do and NEVER lets others do. He will also come to me when I call him, which I love a lot. Although he's grumpy, I love the little ways he shows me that he trusts and loves me. :)
Basil came to us as a foster pig when his cagemate passed over the Rainbow Bridge. Needless to say he became a permanent part of our piggy family and he is the only one of our piggies who responds to his name being called. He is almost like a puppy in that he comes over to the side of the cage and expects to be picked up and then have some serious laptime. When his original piggy slaves come over to visit him he does seem to recognise their voices too. He lights up when he hears Sandra and Jim and I think everyone involved gets some quality snuggle time together.

We also have a 'licker' called Froddo who always manages to get himself comfy and then starts his licking regime. He is such a cutie too.

Lisa & Ali...x
Helo everyone

My girls are becoming cuddle monsters, so much so that when the OH picks them up from me to have more time in their run, they struggle to go back to me. Smudge actually jumped out of his hands last night and hid under my chin!

Apart from getting licked, how do your piggies show their bond with you? Mine love to sprawl over me, Poppy tucked against one arm and Smudge under my chin. Both enjoy licking my hands and arms. They were like that for over an hour last night :)
Aww I have one under the chin, 2 sprawl, 3 sit & talk to us with kisses every now & again, & 2 just sit there.
Sundae licks my hands all the time... she is a kisser! Hadley is a flopper and will stretch out on my lap for hours. Though honestly, I think my teenage son is Hadley's favourite. She looks for him every time she hears his voice, and if he gets up she looks to see where he's going. He has a really deep voice (deeper than his dad's) and the rest of us are girls... I think she loves the manly voice!
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