Piggies and Sunshine

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 2, 2008
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Now that summer's over I'm wondering whether to put my piggy's hutch in the shed where my rabbits live. She has a cage in the house for when it's really cold, but I thought before we get to that stage she'd be better in the hut as protection against the rain and damp (better for me, too!). Trouble is, the hut is in a shady part of the garden. It has a window, and anyway the door is open during the day with the rabbits' run attached, but inside it doesn't get much sun at this time of year. So my question is: do guinea pigs need sunshine?
I THINK as a rule they do as they need vitamin D. However, it is my understanding that most good-quality dry food (nuggets) are fortified with vitamin D as well and pigs can therefore get it that way. So in other words, a few months without sunshine shouldn't hurt as long as she's getting that vitamin D another way (good quality food).

If they do need regular sunshine then mine are being horribly neglected in this wet Yorkshire summer.......
Mine are indoor pigs, and as I work all day, unless it's going to be a scorcher and is dry on the grass by 7.30, I'm afraid mine don't go out at all, until I get back at night if it's still nice for a while. During school holidays when I am home all day it's anoth matter and and they are out loads providing its dry.
So if they do need sunshine, mine a I trouble too.
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