Piggie's actual name Vs what you call them

Eddie & Elvis

Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 8, 2020
Reaction score
West Midlands
I've seen this done before on twitter but I wanted to do it myself so:
1) say your piggies actual name
2) list the nickname(s) you call them instead

Do it for all of your piggies is you want!

I'll go first:
1) Eddie and Elvis
2) Both: Little Man, Furry Fellas, Cheeky Chappies, Baby, Love/Lovely
Eddie: Potato, Floof, Eddie the Gent
Elvis: Snaffler, squiggler, Chonk (he's not a chonk 😂), Trouble

I'm sure there's more but j can't think of anymore right now 😂
Evo : Pyjama, Marmotte, le Blanc
Revo : Arlequin, le Noir

Both : Itadakimasu (that's japanese for 'bon appétit' but they think it's their name), Moumoute (wig), Doudou (soft one), Louloutre (ot-otter)

The guy who gave them to us was calling them Lucifer and Belzebuth. We can't say we were not warned.
Toffee: Toff Toff, Toffee boy, baby
Fudge: Farage, Fudgey boy, sweet
Their collective names are Tofudge or boys
Chanel - Chanely, Chany, akadugavu (the black one)
Coco - kifati fati (fat! She’s not), aka brown (the brown one)
The collective name is girls
I've seen this done before on twitter but I wanted to do it myself so:
1) say your piggies actual name
2) list the nickname(s) you call them instead

Do it for all of your piggies is you want!

I'll go first:
1) Eddie and Elvis
2) Both: Little Man, Furry Fellas, Cheeky Chappies, Baby, Love/Lovely
Eddie: Potato, Floof, Eddie the Gent
Elvis: Snaffler, squiggler, Chonk (he's not a chonk 😂), Trouble

I'm sure there's more but j can't think of anymore right now 😂
1. Mimi, Creamie and Coco
Mimi: albert einstein (idk why I call her that I just do)
Creamie: Sweetie pie, creamsicle
Coco: Coco loco, a bunch of other weird names I cant remember rn
Twiggy- twig pig, piggy, wierd pig, big pig, naughty piggy
Albi- albi piggy, baby pig, baby albi, little albi, checky ,silly piggy
Timothy - Timmy, Baby, Timmypig, Guinea Baby, Snugglepig, Swimmy Timmy, Chonky boy, Lasagna Baby, Pickle, Alexander Hamilton, UWU pig, Piglet, Smoosh, Squishy Child.
Their names: Bianca and Ophelia
I call them both, affectionately and indiscriminately, Waddle Bottom
My daughters named them. Strangely, they don't like what I call them and respond with outrage and upset.
Their names: Dandylion and Biscuit

What I like to call them: Dandylion - dandy, mandy, pig pog, big dog 😂 , mandylion, cutie poop👍 Biscuit - biccy, picky biccy, woowey pooey, big sausage, banana🤪
Their names: Popcorn and Candyfloss
Their nicknames:
Candyfloss: Flossy, Floss, Bossy Flossy, Boss Pig
Popcorn: Poppy, Pops, Hoppy Poppy, Hop Pig

Sergeant Mo Peppers - Mo, Mo Mo, Mo Mo Man, Mo Bear, Mosey.
Luitenient Stubbins Wiggles - Stubbins, Stub Stubs, Stubby Bear, Little Girl.
Commander Vani Waddles - Vani, Van Van, Vani Bear, Vani Girl.
Nutmeg aka Mouse
Cinnamon aka pot (never failed to let her displeasure know at hair trimming time)
Ghostie aka Missy, Bossy Bum.
Ashie aka Slinks
Nixie aka Sweetie

Also collectively know as The Girls