Piggie suddenly tired of pellets?


New Born Pup
Jun 1, 2018
Reaction score
Hello! I have two boars, both just above 2 years old. They've never gotten along and eventually had a violent fight so they're separated by a grid wall, which means they (obviously) get separate servings of pellets. It seems that Wilbur has gotten tired of his pellets over the summer, it's been a slow change. He's never been overly fond of pellets but he doesn't finish his serving anymore, there's always some left. In all other ways he's perfectly healthy and has a very good appetite, he eats his veggies, treats and hay just like normal. My other guinea pig isn't tired of his pellets at all, eats them like there's no tomorrow. They get the Oxbow guinea pig pellets. Do I need to worry about this? His weight has always been the same and hasn't dropped at all. Should I be concerned or think about switching pellets for Wilbur? He's always been more picky than his brother, so this isn't necessarily atypical behaviour, but I worry about him not getting all his nutrients. Thanks in advance! :)
This isn’t an issue at all. Pellets are just one tablespoon per pig per day and they aren’t actually needed in the diet (I personally only give pellets just twice a week as a foraging exercise and even then they only get about half a tablespoon each). As long as he is eating plenty of hay and maintaining his weight then it’s not an issue.
Not feeding pellets can actually give you a little more leeway with the calcium intake via veg ie I don’t worry if I feed a little bit of kale to mine because they don’t get calcium via their pellets in any real quantity