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Piggie suddenly eating cage and more!


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2019
Reaction score
Cashew has decided to nibble on the C&C cage, they both did it briefly as babies but never since. I was coming downstairs to quite big nibbles taken out and couldn’t then find the plastic anywhere…So I got some heavy-duty tape and covered all the tops he could reach and now he’s eaten some of that :eek:

Is he missing something, his diet hasn’t changed? Is it Spring? Is he suddenly bored with his life? He will be 5 in July.
Cashew has decided to nibble on the C&C cage, they both did it briefly as babies but never since. I was coming downstairs to quite big nibbles taken out and couldn’t then find the plastic anywhere…So I got some heavy-duty tape and covered all the tops he could reach and now he’s eaten some of that :eek:

Is he missing something, his diet hasn’t changed? Is it Spring? Is he suddenly bored with his life? He will be 5 in July.
They sometimes just discover the love of correx. But definitely don't cover it with tape it isn't safe. Mine have slide binders from Amazon covering the top. You could put in some wood or cardboard in for them to chew too. Often once they realise they can chew the correx they keep going with it.
Slide binders normally do it. Saying that, we had an obsessive chewer once (Betty) and she took it as a challenge to repeatedly pull off the slide binders and triumphantly lift them in the air with her mouth, staring at us to show us she had won (I really loved her spirit even though that habit was a massive pain!) In the end we put fleece on the main corners and tucked them under so tightly even she couldn’t get to them.
@LucyP Nugget was just like you Betty, that look of triumph!

I second side binders and putting in some cardboard to distract Cashew. Cardboard boxes and paper bags filled with hay are good entertainment.
Slide binders normally do it. Saying that, we had an obsessive chewer once (Betty) and she took it as a challenge to repeatedly pull off the slide binders and triumphantly lift them in the air with her mouth, staring at us to show us she had won (I really loved her spirit even though that habit was a massive pain!) In the end we put fleece on the main corners and tucked them under so tightly even she couldn’t get to them.
My Nancy went through a stage of the same thing it's hilarious 😂. She would do it for attention. Thankfully she currently angrily chews cardboard instead.
Ah yes my aged brain had forgotten the existence of slide binders 🙄 we had them on the ramp they used briefly as youngsters. I will order some more! Plus remove any remaining tape.

They both love a paper bag and I do put them and cardboard tubes in for stimulation but it’s currently all about the correx for this guy. Hopefully soon the weather will allow them to go out in their run (fox-proofed) as they love that.