Piggie Silently Talking To Me

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Nic bee

Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 5, 2015
Reaction score
Leeds, west Yorkshire
Hi all, my new piggie wriggles his lips about like hes talking when I'm stroking him often. I can hear his teeth chattering sometimes when he's doing this too but not in an angry way (I don't think) more like hes chewing hay but it does get a bit louder sometimes the longer iterm goes on. He's doing it now but looks so squat and comfy on my knee I can't believe he wants to go back in his cage. He also sniffed my hand a bit and I expected him to lick me but then he put his teeth on me, it didn't hurt at all.
He rumblestruts about 10 times a day to his little cage mate.
Is he just grumpy? He sometimes sits on my lap for an hour without doing this so loves cuddles.
Surely he'd just get up and walk off my knee if he was fed up?
It's difficult to say. My pigs make quiet teeth-grinding to let me know they're not happy or they need to relieve themselves... As you said, he's warning you with his teeth. One hour in one spot is hard to believe. I'm really surprised. Are you sure your pig is not scared stiff? He's desperate to move but very afraid?
No I am a new owner but pretty sure hes really content and happly
. Gets really comfy, legs out. Eyes nearly closed. I got him from a rescue who said he's so laid back and loves his cuddles. My other boar lasts 5 mins at the most. I'm guessing this lip talking is asking to go back then.
Hello :)

The teeth thing when you are expecting a kiss is often a test to see if you are food. If he was very unhappy he would nip. Sometimes our piggies when on lap will nibble when they want to go home for a wee, they will also teeth chatter when they want to go too.
An hour for laptime is huge, I am lucky if I can make 15 mins with any of ours :)

You'll get to know what his antics mean in time - all of them are different. He sounds very chilled out closing his eyes and sleeping on you
It's also possible that he is simply chewing. Guinea pigs take a long time to chew their food (its' very coarse stuff to chew, really!) and even if they aren't actively eating, they may still have food mash in the back of their mouths that they may continue chewing on. It's great that he'll sit there for an hour! Linney, one of my past pigs, was a huge lap pig and would basically just snooze on our laps for ages. She only wanted to go back when she had to pee! Hadley will also spend a long time on my lap when it's just me and her. If more people are around, she feels it's her duty to visit every last one of them and to get up and look for anyone who says anything!
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