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Piggie making an odd clicking sound


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hello! one of my pigs (3, female) has been making this clicking noise. It stops sometimes and doesn't seem to happen when she breathes and I can't pinpoint where it's coming from, It almost seems like she's purposefully making these noises. She has no other symptoms of a URI or other respiratory infections and She stops during floor time/when I take her out. I'm worried because none of my pigs have done this before. I Haven't cleared the cage in a while (It's not been too long) So maybe it has to do with her environment? Edit: Seems to happen a lot when she eats but not when shes just randomly chewing.
Hi, I noticed a strange clicking noise with one of my piggies earlier this year and took her to vets and was told she was fine. However, I do know clicking/crackling noises can be a sign of a URI even if no other symptoms are present so I would get her checked out by an exotics specialist just to give you peace of mind. Also, piggies can go down hill quickly if it is a URI, so a trip to the vets would be best sorted sooner rather than later. Do you happen to have a video recording? This will come in handy if taking her to vet aswell, as you can guarantee our furry friends never do these strange noises when we need them to.
Hi, I noticed a strange clicking noise with one of my piggies earlier this year and took her to vets and was told she was fine. However, I do know clicking/crackling noises can be a sign of a URI even if no other symptoms are present so I would get her checked out by an exotics specialist just to give you peace of mind. Also, piggies can go down hill quickly if it is a URI, so a trip to the vets would be best sorted sooner rather than later. Do you happen to have a video recording? This will come in handy if taking her to vet aswell, as you can guarantee our furry friends never do these strange noises when we need them to.
Thank you, Did your pig's crackling noise go away? My Vet is closed right now but I'll clean out her cage tonight or tomorrow morning and see if it passes before the vet opens.
Also, if cage is very soiled, fumes from their waste can aggravate them and cause respiratory issues.
Their cage isn't too soiled, just has a bunch of hay laying around that possibly aggravated her system. I'm holding her now and she isn't making the noise as much. It's been almost three days since she started. Do you think Its an emergency?
To be honest I haven't heard her do it for a while, so I'm guessing it has stopped. It was just how you explained, where she didn't do it all the time, it used to come and go. Hay can sometimes be the culprit aswell, I get the best hay I can and still the dust can set off issues like this, it can also get stuck in the back of their mouths and cause a strange noise. Also, bedding can cause respiratory issues such as sawdust. If it were me I would take her to the vet. I cannot say if it is an emergency but if it were me I would be very cautious due to the fact guinea pigs are very susceptible to so many health issues.
It's so frightening isn't it, not knowing what's wrong and what to do. Its because they are such sensitive creatures when it comes to their health. I'm just giving you the advice that I would take myself. I'm sure someone else will reply to your post and hopefully give you a little more advice. Hope she is OK and it is nothing serious.
Tomorrow Pudding and her friend Candy corn who also is making this noise is going to the vet. I am relieved this might be Okay but also nervous they won't be able to help :( wish us luck 🤞
It's so frightening isn't it, not knowing what's wrong and what to do. Its because they are such sensitive creatures when it comes to their health. I'm just giving you the advice that I would take myself. I'm sure someone else will reply to your post and hopefully give you a little more advice. Hope she is OK and it is nothing serious.
Yer you are doing the right thing getting them checked over. It is better to be safe than sorry. If it is URI the vet should give you antibiotics. My special pig Susie who had multiple health issues and unfortunately has just passed away was at the vets multiple times for respiratory issues which again unfortunately, we never got to the bottom of. Her symptoms were accompanied by crusty nose, laboured breathing and lethargy. She was given various antibiotics such as baytril, enrocare and sulfatrim. You have to be careful with antibiotics as some can cause digestive issues that can cause our piggies to stop eating and pooping, so I always made sure to have some probiotics on hand to sprinkle on food and add to water, probiotics do their best to keep their gut happy when our poor piggies are ill and when they are taking meds that can be harsh on their digestive systems. Make sure to get the probiotics specifically for guinea pigs tho, think mine just state for small animals. My vet also gave me pain relied such as loxicom/metacam. If your worried make sure to enquire to your vet when you take them tomorrow. Just wanted to say my Susie did not pass away because of her respiratory issues, she unfortunately passed away after surgery so try not to worry too much. I wish you all the luck in the world ❤️
Hi, yes I got mine from pets at home. For some reason it doesn't show online but I got it in store. I'm sure there will be other places online that do it too.