Piggie Gallery

You had me worried with the wings & halo photo!
Then I realised your little red eyed devil was next... Panic over :D
I know right? it was part of a convo between me and my best friend and this one was cropped out of a super messy cage, she was looking super innocent but I know she made the most mess 😂😂
Awwwww sooooo cute! :love:
Can I just say I loooove the crazy bum hair one of your piggies has? Reminds me a lot of my boy Teddy, he used to have crazy bum hair aswell, although not as crazy as your piggie's!
Can I just say I loooove the crazy bum hair one of your piggies has? Reminds me a lot of my boy Teddy, he used to have crazy bum hair aswell, although not as crazy as your piggie's!
I believe Leo's bum hair, his mane is in his butt 😂 my whole family calls him rooster butt and I don't blame them
I switch back and forth between that and broom butt Leo 😂IMG-20190605-WA0006.jpeg
he's apparently a mix breed of an aby and a peru and luckily the peru hair only ended up on his butt otherwise it would be a drag for me to handle 😂💔
He's gorgeous and his nicknames are adorable and funny at the same time, love them!

I used to say that Teddy was wearing a tuxedo hahaha
More spam! Enjoy xD
(Burrito Leo)

(Koochi trying to camera-proof herself)
(successful camera-proofing from this angle xD)

(When u wake up before your alarm)

And a couple of extra videos:
