Piggie doesn’t hang out with the herd


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 28, 2018
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I have 5 sows, all who bonded nicely together. 4 out of the 5 are more hyper than Sophia, who is calmer. Sophia usually doesn’t hang around the other 4 that much. Kind of like she’s an introvert. Sometimes she will just sit and stare into space, even when she’s not peeing/pooping.
Is this normal? Is she sad/lonely? I try to give her a lot of attention (more so than the other girls) because I feel like she’s alone. What else can I do?
My piggie, Toff is like this, She always been like it so I think it's just her personality. I think some piggies just aren't as sociable as other however she could also possibly be a bit left out so maybe you could get another piggie to make your herd an even number? :)
Our lovely Jezzy floof is a bit like that, she talks to us more than the other 5 piggies she lives with, and she's a bit of a space cadet and likes to do her own thing a lot. She has her own specific places she likes to be, on her own sitting in a box, eating dinner on the roof of the castle house away from the others, sleeping in the toilet tray... she's just an individual I think, she's happy enough and eats hay with the others sometimes and no pig bullies her... she's just a bit eccentric!
We wondered if Jezzy was a bit left out when we just had 5 piggies, so we got a new piggy to make an even number... no difference, she likes the new piggy but... she still wants to hang out on her own doing random floofy things!
I feel like 5 is a max for me haha. I originally wanted one and now I have 5! We got another baby piggie after we got Sophia and they get along well because of their age I think (the others are adults). Even then she still likes to do her own thing.