piggie chewing cage bars

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Oct 28, 2011
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I have 2 gorgeous piggies who are fabby. I have had them for about 8 weeks now all going well. Gizmo has started chewing bars of cage. I change their toys etc so they cannot be bored let them have run in kitchen (easy to clean mess)
He has just started chewing bars of cage don't know why - any ideas
Usually they do that when they want attention. Try picking him up when he does it.
Mine do this when they are hoping for food or attention... usually food! LOL!
One of mine does this at one of my other boys (they live seperatley). I think Darwin just likes to annoy them :))
My Rocky used to do this when he was a baby, now that he's older he seems to have calmed down a bit and is more interested in his food than the cage bars. When it used to really annoy me I used to clap or make a loud noise and he'd stop for a bit but then carry on.

You can get chew stopper spray, I used to use it to stop my piggies from tearing their hutch to shreds and it worked. I've never used it on cage bars though, but I imagine it would do the same.
Mine does it when he hears the fridge door and wants his fresh food. He lost one of his top front teeth recently and I think it was due to this so I will be trying some of the bitter apple spray to see if it will work as it worked when I had a hamster that did this.
Suilven does it cos he wants out on the floor all the time. But he can't be out all the time. Normally if I call at him or bop him gently on the nose he gives up for a bit.

He's got lots of toys etc. He just wants to be out with us all the time. I suppose in an ideal world he'd have a big C&C cage with more space but he's a climber so he'd be out of one of those in seconds...
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