New Born Pup
hello the other day I heard squealing from there hutch I rushed to them so see my white one chasing what looked like a rat out the other on was hiding! 2 days later to my horror I opened hutch to find the white one lying by the side of there bed with his face completely torn off I couldn’t see the black one so I guessed he was dead in there bed then after all of my hysterical crying his little nose pops out so I had to get him out which was a struggle as he was terrified Iv thrown hutch out and got a indoor cage where he’s safe he’s very scared not his normal self but starting to trust us again. Iv noticed a few scabs on his nose eye and other places I’m wondering if he’s been bitten or scratched and if he is would he be ok or should I take him to the vets he’s only 3month old bless him
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