Pigggy Screams?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 29, 2016
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I've had my piggys for maybe 4 months now? They are still scared but have gained a bit of confidence. My one piggy (Bruno) he has suddenly got it ingrained into his head that he suddenly hates being picked up, he makes such a screeching fit when I pick him up, he will literally scream the house down, at first it was funny but now its just getting silly! When I hold them I feed them veggies and I give them floor time, I don't know why all of a sudden he has to be a drama queen, once he is out and about and I'm holding him he gives me kisses, eats from my hand and talks to me and cuddles with me (they both love to kiss my hands, face and nose as well as go under my neck/chin), he just hates the picking up part and makes such an unessacary scene

Does anyone elses piggys do this? is it just a phase?
Most piggies hate been picked up, the scream is because it scares him and he feels confident enough to tell you he does not like it. Piggies are prey animals so to be picked up goes against their natural instincts. It is good he enjoys lap time perhaps you can help him by finding a way of picking him up that he prefers? Have a look at the video below for techniques
Thank you so much for this I will deff give it a try, my other piggy (Wolfey) doesn't scream when picking him up but Bruno like I said will go to extreme, I have a few of those cardboard tubes they love them so I will get them out using that from now on I think
Would have Bruno examined by a cavy-savvy veterinarian to ensure noise is not a pain response/mites etc...
Would have Bruno examined by a cavy-savvy veterinarian to ensure noise is not a pain response/mites etc...
Thanks for the advice but he shows no sign of pain or mites but when I have enough money (proberbly end of next month) I will take them both to the vet just to have a check up and a mites check.

Update: I have been using the tube idea with Bruno putting him and out of the cage has been less of a screaming drama hassle, infact when I use the tube there is no more screaming the house down, once he is out I can pet him and hold him without any screaming fits, major improvement and I feel less of an evil person for getting him out of the cage.
Well done for persisting and trying the tunnel method.

Even us old hands use these tips for picking up our less cooperative piggies. I have one who screams blue murder, so I don't even bother trying to catch her with my hands. It's less stressful for us both if I pick her up in a tunnel or cosy.

Keep up the good work.
One of mine is a shrieker... at first it was likely a fear reaction to being picked up, but even now she occasionally does it to express displeasure (i.e. when I pick her up to go inside from being outdoors, where she loves to graze on the grass- I doubt she is afraid at this point, I think it's her way of telling me she's not impressed!)
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