Pig with no redeeming features

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Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Canterbury, Kent
i'm gonna kill him! charlie is an utter hooligan! picking fights on everything. if he wasnt cute he'd be in big trouble
He must have some redeeming features? Cuteness sounds good at least :). What's he up to that's causing problems?
hes just being a bit of a bully trying to fight the rabbits and fighting with the other pigs :)
You don't have him in with the rabbits though do you? Could be stressing him a bit... Is he kept with other boars? My boar pairs argue a bit sometimes but nothing too serious. What is their set-up like?
no we'd never house them together. He tries to fight through the run bars and fights with all of our male pigs. the only girl is Lela one of the wabbits who lives in the other shed with percy wabbit
hes currently got 9 square feet all to himself but he can communicate through the bars to other pigs
Hopefully, he'll calm down once he is past the big hormones!
It is difficult with boys sometimes. We have a pair of young boars (Bertie & Horatio) that have to be kept well away from any other boars or Bertie gets very stressed & we are more likely to get scuffles between him & Horatio if there are other pigs near him. We have to keep the other boars on completely the other side of the room & then Bertie doesn't mind. He can sniff them out & complains if they are near enough!

Maybe you could try keeping Charlie where he can't smell the others at all? Maybe he could have a companion of his own if he was away from the others? Just might be worth a try for a bit of peace & quiet :)
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