Hi. My pig recently had bloat. We really thought she was a goner but nursed her through it and she is out the other side (touch wood).
I have reintroduced vegetables slowly and followed the guidelines and example diet in the special diet guide. Is this the right thing to do?
She still hasn’t gained much weight and I’m not sure what to do. I feel that I should continue with the small portions and not feeding veggies that could trigger the bloat again. But my mum is thinking we should try to fatten her up with fruits and lots of veggies. Which is the wrong thing to do right?
She’s got access to lots of hay and dried forage so with time will this be what helps her gradually start to put on weight?
Her recent weights if this helps:
22/12 - 852g
23/12 - 857g
24/12 - 852g
29/12 - 880g
31/12 - 863g
03/01 - 820g
Also a picture cause she’s super cute
I have reintroduced vegetables slowly and followed the guidelines and example diet in the special diet guide. Is this the right thing to do?
She still hasn’t gained much weight and I’m not sure what to do. I feel that I should continue with the small portions and not feeding veggies that could trigger the bloat again. But my mum is thinking we should try to fatten her up with fruits and lots of veggies. Which is the wrong thing to do right?
She’s got access to lots of hay and dried forage so with time will this be what helps her gradually start to put on weight?
Her recent weights if this helps:
22/12 - 852g
23/12 - 857g
24/12 - 852g
29/12 - 880g
31/12 - 863g
03/01 - 820g
Also a picture cause she’s super cute