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Pig Poisoning

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Help with pig poisoning

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I let both of my pigs out yesterday at our lake home and for the first time they ate grass. A couple of hours later I went to feed them some parsley and they couldn't stand up or hold their heads up. They are still that way. Very wobbly and one doesn't stand at all. I took them to the vet and she gave them an antidote for some type of pesticide although we're not sure that's what it was. However, both of my pigs got sick at the same time and that's all they both had to eat that was different. Has anyone ever heard of these symptoms and if so what treatment if any worked? I'm feeding them by hand every couple of hours now because they just lie around and sleep. I'm taking them back to the vet at midnight for another antidote shot.
So sorry to read about about your little piggies. There might have been some poisonous plant in with the plant. Horses die after eating wagwort and sheep go blind after eating ferns. Also, exhaust fumes can be poisonous too.

I hope all goes well.
As your vet said, the grass was probably sprayed with a pesticide that didn't agree with the pigs. I'm glad you got them straight to the vet and that they have an antidote.

Hope fully because the antidote was administered so quickly they should be okay.

To prevent this from happening again make sure that nothing has been sprayed on the grass. And if you don;t know check or don;t put them on it. Also you could grow grass in like a flat tray, that way you know that nothing has been added to it :)

Good luck with the pigs and I hope they get better.
:) Just wanted to let you know that Bebe and Daisy are better. They are walking a bit and holding their heads up and eating on their own. Thanks for the kind words and support. I will definitely grow a flat of grass for them to eat.

As far as the antidote is concerned, the vet says that their are two types of pesticides and one does not work itself out of an animals system and is fatal. My vet uses the antidote for cats and dogs but she did some research while I was there and determined a dosage that is safe for pigs. She also said that it has been given to animals 3 to 4 days after ingestion with success. I'm just giving you this info in the event that you ever need it. Another fyi...shots are $20 each and they have to have a series of four.
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