Pig Personalities?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 28, 2014
Reaction score
USA Minnesota
When do you really start to see their personality? Ours are probably 3-5 mo old. We have had them 3 weeks today. What age do they really start to show? I/ we are starting to see a little bit and I know the more time you spend also helps. Maybe this is a silly question lol.

I think it depends on the pig really. When I got Bumble & Bea (my first two) they were very timid and hid a lot, it took quite a while before they started showing their true colours and they have come out their shells even more since living with two others and moving outside. Peter had had quite a few homes before he came to me and is very much a people pig so he was pretty much immediate. Jemima even from 6 weeks old was a right fiesty little lady and it literally took maybe a week or two for her to establish her personality.
I got my boys at 5 months and they were noticelbly different. However its only been the last 2 months and after alot more time spent I can REALLY see the differences in them. I guess it depends on the piggy tho :)
You will find that as your piggies relax and become more used to you their individual personalities will start to appear. It can be anything from the cheeky look in the morning or the edging on of their cage mate. Exciting times ahead of you! Of our 11 piggies each one has a different personality and will keep you entertained for hours.

Lisa & Ali..
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