New Born Pup
Hi my Mo is 4 years old and up til last saturday fit ans well. I noticed she came running out when the veggies arrived but couldnt seem to pick them up. I also found some small 'mouse poos' which fitted with her not eating. I started critical care immediately but could not get an appt with exotics vet for 11 days. By day 5 her breathing was crackly and she was listless so took her to local vet. He looked in her mouth with otoscope and saif tongue was moving freely, front teeth fine but could not see back teeth. Advised to get xrays and start her on metacam immediately which I did. I fed 12ml Critical Care every 3 hours (including through the night) but each day she got steadily worse. On day 11 she was admitted to BlackWater Valley Vets in Camberley to see Ivan Krotaz who operated on one of my piggies last October and got her through a spay (she had huge cysts the size of human fists which were rupturing) He did a thorough exam and she had a pain response when he felt the left side of her jaw. He sedated her heavily and took mutiple xrays. He found an elongated tooth root on left lower jaw. Her lungs were inflamed which he guessed was her aspirating some of the syringe feed and a huge gas bubble in her stomach which he said was caused by syringe feeding. He upped her dose of metacam to 0.35ml twice daily as well as Calpol (infant) 1.3ml up to 3 times a day to try to get the pain under control. He also started her on Baytril for her chest 0.5ml twice a day. Her back teeth looked normal on the xray and there was no sign of abscess or blockage of any kind. He said to cut back on the syringe feeding and just give 3mls little and often as he disagrees with pushing large quantities as their stomach is so small and it has caused this build up of gas in her tummy as she is struggling against the syringe and swallowing air. He thinks the jaw bone will heal around the tooth root in time and that with good pain management (which might be long term) she will be able to eat again. Well we are now on day 13 and she is losing vitality every day. She is listless. She will not eat anything. I have to force the critical care in in tiny sips. She sits wherever I place her in her fleecy bed and when I check her 3 hours later she has not moved. I am worried about feeding her less and I am not seeing any poos (she lives with two others one elderly pig of 7 and her sister ) He advised I also use Emeraid Critical Care Herbivore as well as Critical Care but it wont arrive til next wednesday and I cannot find any for sale locally. Yesterday if I 'posted' a blade of grass between her front teeth she would start chewing but it was very slow almost like her conveyor belt is broken and the food is not moving backwards. Also her chewing sounds are louder than usual a grinding noise. Today I cannot get anytghing into her mouth and she does not want the syringe either but I am persisting. With the amount of pain releif she is on I think she would be eating if she could...I am out of ideas and already seeing a cavy savvy vet...does anyone have any ideas?