pictures of my boys (pic heavy)

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dallas mid wheek


with his big ears




both together




and finally Gideon

What lovely boys you have there :smitten: Does Gideon live separately from the other two?
yeah when i fostered Gideon he was only a few weeks old and it was the middle of winter so i kept him as a house piggy and when i decided to keep him i was going to put him out with the older boys in the shed Run combo but unfortunately Gideon has had a few health scares and has a low immune system so it wouldn't be logical to have him outside so he stays inside and has the run of my bedroom floor and i spend as much time as possible with him (might get him a companion though when he's back to full health)
so gorgeous :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Piggie lips and piggie ears and piggie feet :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
thanks yeah i love the photo think he just got fed up posing bless him
Oh wow they're lovely :smitten: :smitten: They look exactly like two of my pigs!
Awwww cute cute cute! :smitten: :smitten: ;D They love eachother!! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
only until it comes to sharing the same hutch then it's fisticuffs at dawn it's weird how i can't get them to live together but they'll play together all day
ahh they are cute - :smitten: why are your piggys nails soo long?
Ahh i always notice - thats the first thing i look at - i dunno why though ? all my piggies nails are fine ! :smitten:
Loving Dallas VERY much! :smitten: 8) What a dude! In fact they all look like cheeky little chaps

iloveanimals said:
ahh they are cute - :smitten: why are your piggys nails soo long?

I agree.. they are a bit long. You'll have to watch that or else they're little toes might get a bit twisted. ;)
My piggies HATE having their nails cut... but they cant have everything their own way! ::) ;D
piggie lips! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

your pigs are adorable :smitten:
because he was booked in to vets that day to have them trimmed his nails are black and i can't see the quick so i don't do them myself
8) cool! I know.. its quite hard when they've got black nails isnt it? Also I cant do them on my own. Always need somebody to hold them for me! The little squirmers! ;D
ahh thats good anyway - just wondered- lovely piggies though :smitten:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your 2 piggies are very similar to mine :smitten: Look at the piggie lips :smitten:
he is the only one i can't manage he's a bit of a monster and nips when it comes to nail trimming so can't get a willing volunteer to hold him so it's best to take him to my vets i've tried everything to keep his nails down let him run around on paving stones but dallas is a lazy boy so just lies there basically my other 2 are as good as gold and with my mum's help i keep there nails trimmed
ahh bless - thats good then - hes a little bogger then, lol - youve got an extra one lol who has to be taken to the vets, lol :D ;D :smitten:
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