Picking Up Guinea Pigs?

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New Born Pup
Aug 14, 2016
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Hi everyone, new here
I have had my Guinea pig for a month now and was wondering if I should pick her up? When was the first time you tried or picked her up.

I stroke her on the sides but as soon as I try to slide m hand underneath she runs away
Any advice?
Hiya! Yeah guineapigs will runaway when you pick them up even if you have had them for years! They don't like that part but will be fine when placed onto your lap. You can pick them up now for sure! Most people will handle them after the first 24 hours so yours should be extra settled since they have had longer! Xx
I agree ^. Both of my boys are notorious sucks for being pet and stroked but hate the picking up part. You just have to get a firm grip and support their bum when you pick them up. I hold mine against my chest and this seems to help my brown Aby feel safer as he'll turn to put his paws on me as if I were laying down and he was standing on me normally. My other boar doesn't seem to care who picks him up. He's very calm in that way despite being only 4months old. I suspect it's because he can't stand to be away from Keiko (the dominant one) and we always take Keiko out first so he's a little angel about letting us scoop him up
Hi everyone, new here
I have had my Guinea pig for a month now and was wondering if I should pick her up? When was the first time you tried or picked her up.

I stroke her on the sides but as soon as I try to slide m hand underneath she runs away
Any advice?


It is much easier to get round the pick up problem, which is cutting very close to the prey animal instinct if you can train your piggy to come into a pick-up conveyance of some sort. That cuts down a lot on the stress.
You may find the tips in these threads here helpful:
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
Hiya! Yeah guineapigs will runaway when you pick them up even if you have had them for years! They don't like that part but will be fine when placed onto your lap. You can pick them up now for sure! Most people will handle them after the first 24 hours so yours should be extra settled since they have had longer! Xx

I agree ^. Both of my boys are notorious sucks for being pet and stroked but hate the picking up part. You just have to get a firm grip and support their bum when you pick them up. I hold mine against my chest and this seems to help my brown Aby feel safer as he'll turn to put his paws on me as if I were laying down and he was standing on me normally. My other boar doesn't seem to care who picks him up. He's very calm in that way despite being only 4months old. I suspect it's because he can't stand to be away from Keiko (the dominant one) and we always take Keiko out first so he's a little angel about letting us scoop him up


It is much easier to get round the pick up problem, which is cutting very close to the prey animal instinct if you can train your piggy to come into a pick-up conveyance of some sort. That cuts down a lot on the stress.
You may find the tips in these threads here helpful:
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language

Thank you all so much, so kind you all are. I love my Guinea pig don't get me wrong but it's just that I'm scared to literally lift her. I put my hand on the side and she literally runs. Am I supposed to put my hands around before she gets the chance to run?

It is much easier to get round the pick up problem, which is cutting very close to the prey animal instinct if you can train your piggy to come into a pick-up conveyance of some sort. That cuts down a lot on the stress.
You may find the tips in these threads here helpful:
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language

I also checked your links and they're useful so thanks.
I was reading the second one and it said gently nibble your Guinea pigs ear. Is that correct? Sorry if I sound stupid but I'm new to this :doh:
I also checked your links and they're useful so thanks.
I was reading the second one and it said gently nibble your Guinea pigs ear. Is that correct? Sorry if I sound stupid but I'm new to this :doh:

You can do it with your fingers. Guinea pigs lick or gently nibble an ear when they want to convey friendly dominance.
I also checked your links and they're useful so thanks.
I was reading the second one and it said gently nibble your Guinea pigs ear. Is that correct? Sorry if I sound stupid but I'm new to this :doh:

I also wondered this! And the bit about licking your guinea pig. Just hoped it was all meant figuratively and not literally!
Thank you all so much, so kind you all are. I love my Guinea pig don't get me wrong but it's just that I'm scared to literally lift her. I put my hand on the side and she literally runs. Am I supposed to put my hands around before she gets the chance to run?

I have exactly the same problem!
my boys might scatter a bit when I first lean in but after a couple pets they let me pick them right up. I've been handling them this way since they were both just a month old so as time has passed its gotten easier and easier and they're growing quite used to it
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