Picking Out A Companion?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Duluth, Minnesota
Hello. I lost my beloved guinea pig, Tia, yesterday. She left behind two sisters who seem to be down and depressed. They have been laying down all day. Barely moving, except to get some food here and there. I'm going to find them a new guinea pig friend, but I'm not sure how to pick a pig who's right for them. They're both rather dominant females, but they seem to have established who the boss pig is. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on figuring out which piglet would be a good choice? Of course I would quarantine her for a week or so, and I will make sure that she's healthy before placing her in the cage with the other two. I will be getting her from PetCo. I know they don't have the best reputation, but it's the only pet store in the area and I have purchased 3 of my guinea pigs from there and have had no problems. Any thoughts? Thank you.
Have you had a look at Guinea pig Zone on facebook or http://www.guineapigzone.com/. It might be worth contacting them as they have contacts all over the USA, maybe they can help you in finding a suitable companion for your two girls..
Personally, I wouldn't get a new single companion. It is normal for bereaved piggies to mourn - even in a group. They will usually come out of it within a few days of being very quiet.

With your specific character constellation and resources, I'd rather get two youngsters either now or when another of your girls is passing away. That will avoid a potential outsider problem.

I don't know how far this new guinea pig rescue in Roseville/Minneapolis is from Duluth, but it sounds pretty decent: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MN152.html
Personally, I wouldn't get a new single companion. It is normal for bereaved piggies to mourn - even in a group. They will usually come out of it within a few days of being very quiet.

With your specific character constellation and resources, I'd rather get two youngsters either now or when another of your girls is passing away. That will avoid a potential outsider problem.

I don't know how far this new guinea pig rescue in Roseville/Minneapolis is from Duluth, but it sounds pretty decent: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/MN152.html
Do you think it would be a problem to get one single pig?
Two well bonded piggies are not always quite as welcoming to a newbie. In my experience, trios are the most difficult constellation to get right, even more so if you cannot date your piggies. Getting two little newbies means that they have each other as they fit at the bottom of the existing hierarchy.
I would get two babies as this worked for me.I had a dominant sow but she took to the babies no problem to make up my quartet.Lost one of my duo and the remaining one wouldn't accept an adult but accepted a baby.full on fight when I tried to introduce her to my quartet and she is only 8 months old.You risk upsetting the book's between the two you have.I would leave them as they are or introduce two babies
The only problem with that is that A) the cage would be too small for 4 and B) my parents have put a limit on the number of guinea pigs I can have. They said 3 are plenty. Also, the two left behind aren't really well bonded. They have coexisted in the same cage only for about a month.
Getting one little one will not solve any problems between your existent two! I have been there myself.

Better wait until one of them is gone and then get two youngsters; that will work much better if you can't have more than three.

The other possibility is to look out for a neutered boar, but you have to be aware that he will probably get on much better with one of the girls and the other will one will be left out. How old are your two girls anyway?
Both of them are three years old. It's not that they have issues getting along, it's just that I adopted Peaches when she was two years old and only just made a cage big enough for the three of them. So they've only been living together for about a month. They were beginning to bond, but Tia's passing seems to have upset them.
They should bond and settle down together even if they never will be the closest of friends; just give them time! ;)
Okay. It just breaks my heart to see them like this. Poor little babies. They miss their sister so much.
The first days are always depressing! :(
I agree with the other posters, that maybe see how the two of them feel after a few weeks? You never know, they might be content then!

If they still seem to be missing their third companion after that, a baby sow would fit in better than an adult one, because they can train it to be their friend, rather than having to try to get already established personalities to work. With dominant sows, a submissive little baby might bring out maternal instincts as they get to have a new hobby - ie teaching baby about life. Just my thoughts...
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