Picked My Girls Up Today!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
I finally picked my girls up today (Annie and Lillian). They've both been hiding in the igloo all day, which I expected. I left them a bowl of pellets, draped a blanket over half of their cage, and have left them to their own devices all day. Earlier this evening I left some chopped-up broccoli and carrot just outside the entrance of the igloo they're both hiding in. I popped out for an hour, and when I came back, some carrot had been taken! While I was watching TV I could hear them munching away at the carrot! They've taken some broccoli into the igloo as well. As I type this I can hear them munching away.

I can hear them making noises as well, whether it's chatting to each other or something else I don't know, but I can't wait until tomorrow when I can start handling them and getting them familiar with me.
Give the girls time to settle in; that takes a few days. Wait until they are moving around in the open in your presence. I would even recommend to build up some trust first and get the girls used to associating your hands with some nice food before you handle them, unless they are already used to handling.
I get the feeling that they're already getting a bit curious. I just went to get a glass of water and caught sight of Lillian standing at the side of the igloo! She ran back into the igloo when she saw me, but I consider that a little bit of progress for them! I'm going to start by talking to them over the next few days. I really want them to feel as settled and relaxed as I can possibly make them.
I have to say, one of those names in particular is very good ;) can't wait to see some pictures when they're feeling more chilled :D x
They're very active this evening! I can hear them rustling away in the hay and chattering to each other. I've also heard one of the running through the cardboard tunnel. So proud of them for how well they're doing :D
Just give them the space to build up their confidence and then lure them to take food from your hand.
How lovely. Enjoy getting to know your piggies and their personalities.
Congratulations! Hoping to see some photos of them once they have fully settled. Lovely names
It's always so exciting to get new piggies! Once they're settled in well please post some pictures of them!
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