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Photos Showing Rate Of Growth Of Guinea Pig Teeth

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Pound Shilling & Pig

Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 22, 2012
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One of my guinea pigs, Cotswold, lost his lower incisors in 2013 due to a jaw abscess. Unlike when piggies sometimes break their teeth below the gumline and they fall out only to grow back within a few weeks, Cotswold's teeth will never regrow as the abscess destroyed the roots.

The result is that, without opposing teeth to wear them down, his continually growing upper incisors just get longer and longer, which means he has to have them burred every month at the vets.

Here is a picture of his teeth just after they have been burred back to a normal length

Burring is a painless and very quick procedure which does not require an anaesthetic. He is wrapped in a small towel and held securely by the nurse while the vet burrs off the excess length of tooth using a high speed burr. The burr zips through his teeth in a matter of seconds.

Here he is again showing you how much his teeth have grown in a month. (you can also see the sockets where his lower teeth used to be)

I think this demonstrates very well just how fast our guinea pigs' teeth grow. If Cotswold had lower incisors they would also be growing rapidly, as are both sets of his back teeth.

The reason piggies teeth grow so fast is because they are grazing animals who have evolved to primarily eat grass. Grass is made up of cellulose which is incredibly tough and highly abrasive to teeth, thus the speed their teeth grow has evolved to match the speed at which they are worn down by grinding up grass. This is why it is so important guinea pigs are provided with unlimited hay at all times and with fresh grass when possible.

So here is a pigture of the man himself

I have to cut his grass for him as he doesn't have the teeth to nip it off himself but he still enjoys being out on the grass and benefits from a bit of sunshine.
He also has to have his veggies grated, which is why his nose looks a little orange in the first photo having been stuffed into a bowl of grated carrot :)
Wow its amazing how fast they grow! Can he eat pellets or does he have to have a wet pellet mixture?
Wow its amazing how fast they grow! Can he eat pellets or does he have to have a wet pellet mixture?
He can eat pellets, although I feed a mostly hay and veg diet. He just picks them up with his mouth/lips and troughs away like any other piggy. If his teeth were left to grow for too long they would start to curve into his mouth and make it increasingly difficult to get food in but with his regular trips to the vet there is no problem
It's amazing to see how quickly they grow! Cotswold is adorable, he is lucky to have a good owner to see that his teeth are kept under control so he can have a happy, normal life!
That's a really informative post - the difference between the first and second photos is quite astonishing! He's a lovely piggy - and it sounds as though he manages really well with all the extra care he gets!
That's a really informative post - the difference between the first and second photos is quite astonishing! He's a lovely piggy - and it sounds as though he manages really well with all the extra care he gets!
Thankyou. I agree it is amazing just how fast their teeth grow!
Thank you so much for posting these pics. It really is amazing how quickly the teeth grow when they haven't got anything to wear against. I have a few piggies with missing bottom incisors and they all eat very well, and just get their incisors burred every 4 to 6 weeks.
What a gorgeous boy ♥ .. thank you for sharing the photo's and info, very interesting!
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