Photos: Get together at Kellys

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Jan 23, 2006
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[fontomic Sans MS]Klly host a littl gt togthr toay at hr hous. It was such a lovly aftrnoon mting up with som of th mmbrs off this forum.

Thr was...

Klly, Klly's mum, a, brothr an hubby, ucina, arolin, hris, Shaz, Shaz's hubby, Sars, Dbbi , Bv, Bv's son Aaron, Bv's hubby, Dbbi P, uky an M!

Hr ar som picturs which I took. I know bv took som picturs so if you hav any which I on't look awful in (Probably all of thm ) thn fl fr to a thm to this thra. I think Mik took som too!


Group Pictur

Back ow - Kllys Da, Dbbi , arolin (bhin Dbbi ) Dbbi P, Shaz (hiing with hr fingrs up ovr Dbbi P an Sars' has ), Sars, ucina
Front ow - Bv, Klly, Aaron (sorry if I hav splt it wrong) an ME!


Dbbi P. arolin, Dbbi , ucina, Aaron, Sars, Shaz, M


ucina an hf Guina


All of us again (Ex Klly's mum, Bv's an Shaz's hubbis)


Kllys Pigs on th grass


Uncl Ton looking for som trats :)


Klly, Uncl Ton an ucina

W also ha a quiz too which was goo fun :)

I think vryon that wnt toay will agr that w ha a fab ay an a big thank you to Klly an hr family for having us! :)

[colorr]Sorry, put th links in insta of pics cos th pics wr squash whn put thm on forum
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Brilliant pictures. You all look like you had a wonderful time, especially Uncle Ton. ;D O0
Looks like you all had a lovely day!

Glad the weather held out for you too - it's been really grey and nasty here all day.

Thanks for posting the pictures.
It looks like you had a fantastic day O0

I'm going to have to meet you guys some time O0
Can't really add much to the pics as they were taken at the same time so mine are practically identical !

But I captured this funny moment.

Where is Kellys bedroom? Arun asked Kellys dad. She sleeps there in the shed said Bill

Arun found this idea quite hilarious ;D


A lovely time was had by all, thank youuuuuuuuu Kelly and Sue and Bill :-*

*Edit* Ellie why are our pics squished :o ?
O0great pics its nice to put names to faces ! Glad the weather held out for you ;)
bev said:
Can't really add much to the pics as they were taken at the same time so mine are practically identical !

But I captured this funny moment.

Where is Kellys bedroom? Arun asked Kellys dad. She sleeps there in the shed said Bill

Arun found this idea quite hilarious ;D


A lovely time was had by all, thank youuuuuuuuu Kelly and Sue and Bill :-*

*Edit* Ellie why are our pics squished :o ?

No idea Bev. Did they come out small on photobucket? - Looks like they did from what I can see? - Perhaps email me the larger pics and i'll see if I can get them bigger - [email protected]
Haha humour me its been a long day LOL.... Yeah you're right, I changed the default sizing on Photobucket the other day to 'thumbnail' and forgot to change it back again ::) ;D
bev said:
Haha humour me its been a long day LOL.... Yeah you're right, I changed the default sizing on Photobucket the other day to 'thumbnail' and forgot to change it back again ::) ;D

LOL, it has been a long day for you... how long did it take for you to get back?
Right try again! (BTW I miss the edit option we used to have) :(



It took just 1 hour to do the 15 junctions of the M40, then took another hour to get to Debbies which really should have been 15 / 20 mins then about another half hour for us to get home. So we got in at 7.40 :)
bev said:
It took just 1 hour to do the 15 junctions of the M40, then took another hour to get to Debbies which really should have been 15 / 20 mins then about another half hour for us to get home. So we got in at 7.40 :)

My goodness... it only takes just under 30mins to Kelly's so the journey to and from Kellys today hasn't been bad. Didn't need to go on any motorways either which was good so didn't get held up in any traffic. It was good to meet you all at last. Your son is so so sweet - shame about the team he supports though! Hehe ;)
LOL Yes he gets a bit of stick, especially when the majority of his friends support West Ham, with us being pretty near the ground ;D
bev said:
LOL Yes he gets a bit of stick, especially when the majority of his friends support West Ham, with us being pretty near the ground ;D

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur chick :)
Bev, I see you managed to get my builder's bum ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

A super time and we had so much fun.

Thank you Kelly and your family for a lovely day. :smitten:
Now everyone will notice it.

It's Pick Me Up's fault - I crave attention now ;D ;D ;D
2funny 2funny 2funny 2funny 2funny 2funny 2funny 2funny

at least I was wearing knickers today - put some on for the occasion
It was fab! My pics are the same as Ellie's too, so not worth putting mine on ;)

Lovely to see you all again! Welcome ANY time!
kellyandpiggies♥ said:
It was fab! My pics are the same as Ellie's too, so not worth putting mine on ;)

Lovely to see you all again! Welcome ANY time!

Sooo, you wont mind when theres 20 people knocking at your door at 3am tomorrow morning? ;)
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