Photography 10 Week Old Guineas


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 27, 2018
Reaction score
I hope I am posting this in the right page, I’m new forgive me if I haven’t.

Mr Arthur and even Mr Dougall sat for more pictures today I thought some of you might like to see, as rewards they both had lots of chin rubs and fresh herbs, Arthur appears in more pictures because Dougall is a bad attitude Guinea he still gets rewards for trying

I’m not sure Arthur is meant to act like he does super friendly confident camera happy pig lol




OMGoodness your profile picture :love:
actually I have a third piggie now, adopted last December, but I am fond of that pic you see on my avatar and that is also on my desktop...
My sows were young (Calipso on the left and Calliope on the right)
now they are 1 year old and Calliope has a very long and thick hair!
and this below is their husboar Osvaldo... a simple rustic:D
actually I have a third piggie now, adopted last December, but I am fond of that pic you see on my avatar and that is also on my desktop...
My sows were young (Calipso on the left and Calliope on the right)
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now they are 1 year old and Calliope has a very long and thick hair!
View attachment 81959
View attachment 81960
and this below is their husboar Osvaldo... a simple rustic:D
View attachment 81961

Oh Good Lord - that last pic should carry an 'adult only' warning. lol
I hope I am posting this in the right page, I’m new forgive me if I haven’t.

Mr Arthur and even Mr Dougall sat for more pictures today I thought some of you might like to see, as rewards they both had lots of chin rubs and fresh herbs, Arthur appears in more pictures because Dougall is a bad attitude Guinea he still gets rewards for trying

I’m not sure Arthur is meant to act like he does super friendly confident camera happy pig lol

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Must take a lot of patience getting the photos!
Adorable piggies.
actually I have a third piggie now, adopted last December, but I am fond of that pic you see on my avatar and that is also on my desktop...
My sows were young (Calipso on the left and Calliope on the right)
View attachment 81958
now they are 1 year old and Calliope has a very long and thick hair!
View attachment 81959
View attachment 81960
and this below is their husboar Osvaldo... a simple rustic:D
View attachment 81961

OMGoodness they are gorgeous. Calliope looks like she has a little something special about her all gorgeous though. X
Wow, that hair! Are they shelties? Coronets?

“Draw me like one of your French girls Jack”