Petstore Items: Good or Bad

I get these for my Guinea pigs but from a shop in the UK, they’re the only chews they’re bothered about because they’re willow. Sometimes though they can get a bit of the wood stuck in their teeth, usually they can get them out themselves but if I’m there I like to assist in gently nudging the wood down. Other than that I highly recommend them
I believe those are safe but I once bought them and the pigs couldn’t have cared less about them. The only thing they enjoy are willow wicker tunnels (the twiggy ones) so I regularly buy those on amazon for £5

Also I decided to go straight to the source and chopped some willow twigs of my sisters willow she has in her garden lol they liked those
My piggies also chewed the ends off and then ignored the sticks.
I ended up giving the sticks to the rabbits.
They are perfectly safe :) My pigs chewed the end off so there were twigs everywhere and then they wasn’t interested
My piggies also chewed the ends off and then ignored the sticks.
I ended up giving the sticks to the rabbits.

Mine did exactly the same thing. Unravelled the bundle then abandoned sticks all over the cage and then refused to have anything to do with them!
Mine love willow sticks, they toss them about, chew on them and try to carry them round like dogs LOL. They like to chew an end each and pinch it off each other.
I suppose it's one of those occasions where u buy one and see how your piggies react. Mine aren't interested in biting into anything except for day 1 where they explore it and it's usually cardboard. So I simply fill their cage with cardboard tunnels or boxes as hideys and surprisingly it lasts a long time if they don't flip it and pee on it.