Pets at Home Petition

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Jul 1, 2011
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I just created a petition: Pets at Home: Stop selling starter hutches and sell a hutch for life. I have many issues about Pets at Home but this is the one that gets me every time! Why sell something to someone with little knowledge that is unsuitable within a very short period? mallethead

I'm trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.

To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:

It'll just take a minute!

Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word! xx>>>
Signed - Pets at home told me my Troy (who has a neurological head tilt) could live in a Ferplast 80 aslong as he has a run to use. I use that to transport my piggies not for them to live in!
I don't understand the reasoning behind selling a starter cage anyway?

If a person can't afford to buy the full set up or worse doesn't care that what they have for their pig or other fluffy is too small, then they're not at the right place in their lives to get an animal right away anyway!

People should be more willing to wait and save for what they wan't rather than acting on a whim. I always feel waiting for something makes you appreciate it more too.

Obviously others may disagree :)

I will, of course, sign :)
I've signed it!

I never bought a starter hutch for any of mine, well actually I think I did for my first guinea pigs, but dad is very lovely and he builds all of ours. and their runs. and they are almost identical but better than pets at home. Me and my partner went to halfords (p@h next door) and as we walked past they have their hutches etc outside, they had a run for £85 and it is exactly the same as my dad has made me, and he only had to pay out a few quid for wood and mesh. My one is actually much bigger lol! :)
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Signed and I see you reached your goal of 100 signatures and well over.
Now for a 1000 lol.
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